Gather at our Downtown Campus on Sundays at 9:30a or 11a or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p.
Find streaming links and other resources in our SUNDAY TOOLKIT.

Be Together

Be Together.

The Christmas season can magnify feelings of loneliness as we miss people no longer with us or we hold out for the ideal “Hallmark” version of reality that never materializes. Therefore, our InnerChange focus in December challenges us to be intentional about moving from isolation toward community—toward being together with others.
These suggestions and resources are designed to help you break down barriers and find an opportunity to make connections. Consider these or follow your own ideas. While you get to know people, you just might provide somebody with a connection they’ve been longing for, too. It may be a gift that keeps on giving throughout the year!

Suggested ActionsYour IdeasChildren & StudentsMusic Video

Suggested Actions

Here are a few specific things you can do throughout the month that are designed to move you from isolation to community with others.

Join a Life Bible Study

Life Bible Studies are the main way people connect with others at Houston's First. Every campus has options to choose from, so explore the options here or ask a staff member of Guest Experience Team member at your campus for help with finding one that's right for you.

Make a Difference

Round up people to serve together at our church's Food Pantry & Clothes Closet or at any local charity near you. While focusing on a common cause and serving the needs of others, you can get to know your fellow volunteers.

Food Get-Togethers

Host a small group of people for a meal, especially if they are new to our church or your neighborhood. It doesn't have to be fancy, and you can ask people to bring a dish so you don't have to do all the cooking. The point is to provide a setting not to impress but to talk and get to know each other better!

Give The Gift of Music

Consider treating neighbors, friends you haven't seen in a while, or new people to our church with tickets to attend Celebration at The Loop (Dec 6-9) or the Night of Hope Tour at the Cypress Campus (Sat, Dec 15). Grab a bite to eat before or after, too!

Memorize related Bible verses

There are several verses that talk about community. Here are a few to memorize. What other ones can you find?

    • "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." — Acts 2:42
    • "And let us watch out for one another to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching." — Hebrews 10:24-25

What ideas do YOU have?

We want to hear your suggestions for how to find, develop, and maintain community. Share your ideas with us using the short form below.


Children & Students

Use the suggestions for preschoolers, children, and students as you guide them in the discipline of building community with others.


  • Draw a picture of your friends or neighbors and pray for them each day.


  • With a parent, deliver homemade Christmas treats or crafts to your neighbors.
  • At school, if there are students who seem to be by themselves — at lunch or at recess, for example — ask them to join with you and your friends.


  • Invite a classmate from school to an upcoming HUB Student Ministry event.

Music Video

We all face feelings or seasons of loneliness at some point in life. In this video, Kari Jobe reminds us that we are not alone.
