Gather at our Downtown Campus on Sundays at 9:30a or 11a or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p.
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Church Partners & Missionaries

Meet Our Church Partners

Summit Life Church — Issaquah, WA

Pastor Will Forrest

Prayer Requests

  • Our church would be anchored in the Gospel and unified in the Great Commission efforts in our community, region and beyond.
  • As the Lord continues to bless our Gospel efforts with conversions and church growth, may our church be unified in direction and mission.

To learn more about our church partner, visit

Redeemer Queens Park — London, UK

Prayer Requests
  • New Faith & Work discipleship initiatives as we seek to encourage and equip our church family who work in the marketplace.
  • More connections to be made with residents of North West London and for people to be open to accepting an invitation to church.
  • Kids Club in Queen's Park that seeks to connect with local families.
  • Church membership to grow as local people commit to being part of a church family.
  • We are celebrating several baptisms of new believers and those making public professions of faith this year. We pray for more baptisms in 2024.

To learn more about our church partner, visit

Grace Baptist Church —Brooklyn, NY

Pastor Christopher Ortiz

Prayer Requests

  • Our church would continue to grow in love, service and sacrificial giving.
  • The Lord has been adding to our number; please pray He will continue to build our church to the glory of Christ's name, and that we would grow in our fervor for evangelism.
  • Continued provision, as we continue to maintenance work on our beautiful, but old buildings.

To learn more about our church partner, visit

Mission India

Supporting church planters in India. For security reasons, we cannot share their names.

Prayer Requests

  • Endurance for pastors as they are sharing the gospel and discipling new believers
  • Protection from the enemy's schemes as they are engaged in spiritual warfare and face strong opposition from the government
To learn more about Mission India, visit

Meet Our Local & Global Workers

Will Miller

Church Member | Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Houston ISD

Prayer Requests

  • Open doors to get FCA huddles at new & current schools with all the transition in HISD.
  • Christ-centered chaplains to be assigned to HISD schools this year.
  • Prayer for Fields of Faith event in HISD, marriage conferences for coaches, and camp at the end of July 2024 at Texas A&M.

Avni & Maklen Menalla

Cru Momentum Europe | Based in Orlando, FL – Equipping & reaching leaders in Albania

Prayer Requests

  • New season in the ministry, with more responsibilities for both of us: Avni is the Associate Director of Momentum Europe and Maklen is helping with communication.
  • Trusting God to mobilize 10 teams to send and do ministry among leaders in Europe in 2024.
  • Organizing regional events in U.S. for sharing about the work among leaders in Europe.
  • Family, marriage and kids. Pray for Emili, who is enrolled in a new school. Amantia and Mateo are attending UCF. Pray for each of their growth, direction and wisdom from the Lord.

Jozef Knapkik & Carolina Hurtado

Steiger International, Missionaries (Married) | Based in Minneapolis, MN – Reaching the global youth culture in North America & Europe

Prayer Requests

  • Last year, we were based in Houston, but we will be based in Minneapolis, MN near Steiger’s HQ in 2024. Pray for us as we get adjusted to a new region and for God to lead our next steps for ministry.
  • God to lead us to believers who desire to partner with us financially and in prayer.
  • Continuation of discipleship relationships we began in person, and now continue through Zoom, May God continue revealing Himself in powerful ways, and those we invest in to know Jesus in a deeper way.

To learn more about Steiger, visit

Michelle Edens

Steiger International, Missionary | Based in Minneapolis, MN – Reaching the global youth culture in North America, Europe and South America

Prayer Requests

  • After traveling with No Longer Music (Steiger’s evangelistic band) as an actor for their shows across Europe and South America, I will now serve at Steiger’s HQ near Minneapolis, MN for the first half of 2024, focusing on managing social media and assisting with podcasts, all the while continuing to work with No Longer Music and preparing for our summer tour.
  • I would be able to continue plugging into my local church community, and find an affordable vehicle.
  • Financial provision and new supporters.

To follow Michelle’s journey throughout the year, you may subscribe to her newsletter:

To learn more about Steiger, visit

Felipe Machado & Allison Pinzon

Steiger International, Missionaries (Married) | Based in Minneapolis, MN – Reaching the global youth culture in North America

Prayer Requests

  • Boldness and courage to share the Gospel and introduce secular people to Jesus.
  • God's wisdom and guidance as we mobilize young believers to join in this missionary movement.
  • For all the non-believers we are investing in, for God to touch their hearts and for radical salvations.

To follow their journey throughout the year, you may subscribe to their newsletter here:

To learn more about Steiger, visit

Moah Buffalo & Flavia Barboza

Steiger International, Missionaries (Married) | Based in São Paulo, Brazil – Reaching the global youth culture in Europe and South America

Prayer Requests

  • For God to continue using our lives to communicate his love to this youth and all the people around us, as we will be anchored in Brazil most of 2024, and then travel for 3 tours (15 days/tour) with No Longer Music, Steiger’s evangelistic band.
  • For health to our family, specifically Moah’s grandmother, who we are helping care for in her new season of life.
  • For God to guide us in every step we take.

To learn more about Steiger, visit

Dr. Sarah

Church Member | Neonatologist Consultant & Educator in Asia

Prayer Requests

  • For continued building of professional relationships and opportunities for deeper conversations.
  • For assistance with administrative tasks as I facilitate professionals who come to teach and train doctors and nurses, and for more professionals to come to partner in this work.
  • For wisdom in the work projects to be invested and involved in, for balance and health.