Gather at our Cypress Campus on Sundays at 9:30a, 11a, or 4p or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p.
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Deacons Resources

If you have a question about any of the Deacons Resources on this page, please contact Pam Collins, 713.957.5851.

Deacon Nomination

Thank you for your interest in nominating someone to serve our church as a Deacon. Any member of Houston’s First may recommend a new Deacon candidate from the church family at any time. You can use either the downloadable PDF form or the convenient online form below. Either way, submitting this nomination is an important responsibility, so please keep the following in mind:

  • Refer to I Timothy 3:8-12 for Deacon qualifications and prayerfully consider your recommendation.
  • Do not inform the candidate of this recommendation. The candidate will be contacted by the New Deacons Committee (NDC) if and when it becomes appropriate.
  • Complete as much of the form as you can from your personal knowledge. Do not worry about leaving some blank spaces. The NDC will follow up.
  • For the printed form, use the reverse side or additional pages if necessary.

Deacon Nomination Form Download Form

Online submission is the preferred method for nominating a candidate. Fill out the form above to submit your nomination. When completed, an email will be sent to you from the Pastor's office confirming your submission.

Mail-In Submission

Print the PDF form, fill it out, and return it to the address below. Use additional pages if necessary.

Charles R. Poor
Houston's First Baptist Church
7401 Katy Freeway
Houston, TX 77024

Widow Care Ministry

Each deacon is to minister to those in need; the widows of our church are some of those.

"Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need." 1 Tim 5:3


Widows are an important ministry of the church. Deacons [and their wives] play an important role in this ministry by serving the widows as communicators, connectors, facilitators, and comforting prayer partners.

Our goal is for one deacon to serve every ‘qualified’ widow on all of our campuses. Deacon assignments to widows are made by the Coordinator, Rob Jensen. Widows who are active in the rolls and are church members age 60+, are “Qualified” for deacons widow care; widows outside these parameters may be “Approved” by recommendation to leadership and the Widow Care Deacon Coordinator. When a widow is added to the church roster, the Coordinator locates a deacon who lives closest to the widow and is available to minister. ‘Available’ means he’s able to serve and is currently serving fewer widows than his serving capacity as agreed in advance with the Coordinator (normally three widows, although some have more or less depending on life balance). The deacon and widow are connected within the church’s Membership profiles and viewable in the [Deacon/Widow] and [Pastoral Attributes] tabs.

Because of the sensitivity of the loss of a lifetime companion, deacons will go through orientation training with Pastoral Care to learn what to say and what not to say and the importance of regular contacts.


Pastoral Care oversees care of the widows.

Deacons with assigned widow(s) are asked to fill out the widow reporting form every time a widow is contacted, whether by personal visit, phone, email, USPS mail, or event.


To view deacons' assignments with widows or review their contact information, please request the Deacons Widow Care Assignments Report from the Deacons Widow Care Administrator, Rob Jenson.


If you have difficulty opening the forms or need help with widow assignments or widow information in general, contact Rob Jensen,, (m) 614-314-0586.

Meet Our Staff

Deacon Support Team
Mark Palmer

Mark Palmer

Deacon Chairman
Pam Collins

Pam Collins

Admin Asst. to Gregg Matte
Mark Palmer

Mark Palmer

Deacon Chairman
Pam Collins

Pam Collins

Admin Asst. to Gregg Matte