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Truly Alive!

Gregg Matte – Oct 23, 2022

Pastor Gregg Matte shares truth about grace found in Paul's letter to the Romans. Abundant grace is motivation to sin less, not sin more. Through grace, we are united with Christ. Our old self has been crucified and now we live in resurrection power. If you are in Christ, you are new. You are Kainos!

Message Details

Gregg Matte

About the Speaker

Gregg Matte is the senior pastor of Houston’s First Baptist Church. Under his leadership, this historic church founded in 1841 has moved... read more

Messages from this Series

Adoption in Christ

Walk in New Life

Do What You Want!

Freedom to Serve

Truly Alive!

Adoption in Christ

Walk in New Life

Do What You Want!

Freedom to Serve

Truly Alive!

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