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From the Foundation to the Cross

Feb 21, 2014

Years ago, Bob and Debby Coffman expectantly wrote the names of their granddaughters on the floor of the Worship Center at The Loop as part of our ongoing Foundation of Prayer. Here, Debby shares why Chloe and Molly's names were once again written on a permanent feature at the church.

It was September 7, 2008 — the first Sunday in the remodeled sanctuary at The Loop Campus. At the end of the service, folks were invited to write the names of those we would pray to come to Jesus.

We usually sat close to the front on the far left side facing the stage. Our son Brian played in the praise band and our daughter-in-law Angela sat with us. They joined Houston's First in 2002 and were instrumental in our joining the church in 2005.

That morning, we wrote several names on the floor beside our aisle. Our granddaughters, Chloe (4) and Molly (18 months), were two of those names.

Bob and I both accepted Jesus when we were quite young, as did both our sons. We spoke often to Chloe and Molly about Jesus and prayed that they, too, would ask Him to come into their hearts and be their Savior while they were still children.

Brian, Angela, Chloe, and Molly moved to Calgary in 2009. We Skyped on December 6, 2009 (Angela’s birthday) and that session opened with Chloe holding a piece of paper announcing she had asked Jesus into her heart! She was a little more than 5-1/2 years old. We were thrilled! Our first grandchild was now our little sister in Christ.

They returned to Texas in 2011 and joined a sister church closer to their home. We continued to talk to Molly about Jesus; big sister Chloe encouraged her as well.

On Thanksgiving in 2012, when asked what she was thankful for, Molly replied “Jesus.” Nine months later on August 23, 2013, she prayed and asked Jesus to come live in her heart. She was 6-1/2 years old.

The weekend of February 16, 2014, Chloe and Molly were staying with us while Brian and Angela were away celebrating their 12th anniversary. What a blessing that they should be at Houston's First on the Sunday we signed the papers that will go inside the new cross tower! We reminded them where their names were written on the foundation of the Worship Center. It was good to remember that occasion together.

Chloe will be 10 in April; Molly will be 7 in a couple of weeks. These two very special events have made an indelible mark on our family. We are humbled to be in a church that recognizes the importance of milestones in the life of a Christian – much like the stones God directed Moses and Joshua to erect so that they would remind the people of God’s amazing deliverance and faithfulness to them. We shouldn’t underestimate the impact such events have in our lives.

Thank you, Houston's First, thank you!


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