Gather at our Downtown Campus on Sundays at 9:30a or 11a or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.

New Starts Now

May 05, 2018

It's Never Too Late
To Have A New Start.

Relationships, careers, fitness — and even our faith — can all take a turn in a new direction. Having a community to encourage you is essential to get where you want to go.
If there's a new start you want to make and need people to cheer you along, come visit the Downtown Campus of Houston's First. Our diverse community from different walks of life encourages and challenges one another — and loves to celebrate new starts!
In fact, we have our own new start as we launch our renovated facility at 1730 Jefferson. We'll celebrate on Sun, May 20, with breakfast, tours, and more all starting at 10a — and you're invited! We hope to see you then or on any Sunday you can visit the Downtown Campus.

Welcome from Campus PastorYou're Invited!
Finding our FacilitySundays at DowntownMeet Our Team

From Our Campus Pastor

After years of trying, the Astros are finally World Series champs. Long-ignored by most Houstonians, Downtown continues to revitalize and has become a place to be. And, after gathering in Downtown since 2011, our church is celebrating a new start in our renovated facility right in the middle of it all!

I invite you to stop by on a Sunday to experience our diverse community and join in our worship service. Whether you come to Houston’s First or any of the other great churches in our area, I pray that your life will be filled with the love and hope that Jesus offers.

I hope to meet you soon!

Warm regards,
Lee Hsia
Campus Pastor

You're invited on Sun, May 20!

Celebrate a new start at the Downtown Campus with breakfast, tours, a special service, and more. It takes place at 1730 Jefferson and gets underway at 10a. Maybe that will be the day you make a new start, too.

Finding Our Facility

Downtown Campus Map

Sundays at the Downtown Campus

9:30a — Life Bible Studies
11a — Worship Service

The Downtown Campus gathers on Sundays at 1730 Jefferson. We are a diverse community with a high-energy passion for reaching the heart of the city. Worship services feature live bands, live testimonies, and a video message by Pastor Gregg Matte. Life Bible Studies are available for college students through adults.

Meet Our Staff

Our Downtown Campus Team
Nikki Moss

Nikki Moss

School of Fine Arts Director
Peter Lee

Peter Lee

Minister of Campus Development
Emily Nguyen

Emily Nguyen

Married Adults Event and Outreach Coordinator
Nikki Moss

Nikki Moss

School of Fine Arts Director
Peter Lee

Peter Lee

Minister of Campus Development
Emily Nguyen

Emily Nguyen

Married Adults Event and Outreach Coordinator


Year-End Giving

On Mission

World Mission Offering

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!

"My Life Verse"

What to Expect When You're an Expectant Parent

Moved by Faith

Overcoming Obstacles

Year-End Giving

On Mission

World Mission Offering
