Gather at our Cypress Campus on Sundays at 9:30a, 11a, or 4p or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.


Women of all ages and in all stages of life are welcomed by The Women’s Ministry of Houston's First — Cypress Campus. Our passion is to connect women to Bible studies and events that equip them to function in their gifting as they serve our community for God’s glory.

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Every 2nd and 4th Monday, Jan 13–May 12 @ 9:30a-12p – HUB
Coordinators: Alyssa Sparks & Caitie Henry

MomCo, formerly known as MOPS, is a gathering of women craving community, conversation, and friendship. It is a place where moms can come to be encouraged and supported by other moms who are in the same season of life.

Learn More and Register Here

Moms in Prayer

Tuesdays beginning Jan 14 @ 9:30–10:30a – Rm 112
Facilitators: Stephanie Niemuth & Becka McCaw

Moms in Prayer is a local group of moms who gather to pray for children in schools in our area to impact them for Christ. Our desire is that every school in the world will be covered in prayer starting with the schools right here in Cypress.

Register Here

Dwell: Matchless by Angie Smith*

Wednesdays, Beginning Jan 15 @ 9:30–11:30a – HUB
Various Teachers

Women's Bible Study — Children's programming available for Birth–5th Grade

Who is Jesus? Why did He come to earth? How can I know Him? We live in a world where there's a lot of confusion about Jesus. Too often people want to shape Him and His message to fit their personal needs or agendas. So how can we know the truth? Join us for this 8-session search for truth as we unfold the story of our matchless Savior-His mission, miracles, and message. This study will deepen your understanding of Jesus through biblical, historical, and cultural insight and help you see Him less as an iconic figure and more as an intimate friend.

Register Here

Esther by Kelly Minter*

Wednesdays, Jan 15–Mar 5 @ 6:30–8p – Rm 112
Teacher: Teena Haines

The story of Esther unfolds at a time when the people of God are split between nations with an uncertain future. While the name of God may not be mentioned in the book of Esther, its pages highlight His work among His people and foreshadow Jesus's very ministry to us-darkness to light, mourning to celebration, death to life.

No registration required for Wednesday night classes.

First Place for Health

Sessions 1 & 2
Wednesdays, Jan 15–May 7 @ 6:30–8p – Rm 111
Facilitator: Stephanie Sawyer

First Place for Health believes in the power of Christ to ignite radical, transformative change in our lives. Weekly Bible Study, making healthy food choices and scripture memory are all incorporated in this study.

No registration required for Wednesday night classes.

Seeing God as a Perfect Father by Louie Giglio*

Session 2
Wednesdays, Mar 19–May 7 @ 6:30–8p – Rm 112
Teacher: Teena Haines

How you view God is the most important thing about you and informs who you're becoming. In this study, Louie Giglio, challenges our perceptions of who God is and points us to know him as a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent but is available and ready to embrace you with his unconditional love and blessing.

No registration required for Wednesday night classes.

*For all classes marked with asterisks, study guides/books will need to be purchased online prior to the first-class meeting.

For more information, please contact Samantha Manis at

Upcoming Events


  1. 29

    Love Her | Serve Her

    Mar, 29 2025 @ 8:30 am - Cypress Campus ()

Meet Our Staff

Women's Ministry
Andi Farrell

Andi Farrell

Director of Women’s and Connection Ministries
Teal Moran

Teal Moran

Women’s and Connection Ministries Administrative Assistant
Samantha Manis

Samantha Manis

Women's and Connection Ministries Assistant
Andi Farrell

Andi Farrell

Director of Women’s and Connection Ministries
Teal Moran

Teal Moran

Women’s and Connection Ministries Administrative Assistant
Samantha Manis

Samantha Manis

Women's and Connection Ministries Assistant