Gather at our Cypress Campus on Sundays at 9:30a, 11a, or 4p or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.


What are your gifts?

If you are unaware of your spiritual gifts, heart passions or personality traits, we offer a confidential assessment free of charge courtesy of Houston's First! While completion of this assessment is not required to volunteer, it can better assist you in determining where to serve with your spiritual gifts.

Messages on Spiritual Gifts


Personality Blends
Learning Spiritual Gifts
Abilities Awareness
Experiences of Life

More than Spiritual Gifts Assessments

The assessment contains 5 sections and normally takes 45 minutes to an hour to complete. Please include all demographic information (i.e. name, contact information, etc.). Your personal information will not be used for any purpose other than to identify your profile in our database.

Select your campus below

  1. Go to the online PLACE Assessment below.
  2. In the area labeled “Activation Code” enter this code: hfbc-loop (If you have trouble after you enter the code once, please contact Kevin Spivey at for assistance. Reentering the code will cause us to be charged for a second assessment.)
  3. Be sure to answer all the questions and complete all the assessment sections.
  4. When you’re done, click "FINISHED" after the Life Experience Section.

You will be able to print out your results when finished. If you have any questions about your gifts, contact Kevin Spivey.

NOTE: Before clicking the button below, make note of the Activation Code you'll be required to enter: hfbc-loop

PLACE Assessment

  1. Go to the online PLACE Assessment below.
  2. In the area labeled “Activation Code” enter this code: hfbc-cypress (If you have trouble after you enter the code once, please contact Deborah Whaley at 713.264.4201 or for assistance. Reentering the code will cause us to be charged for a second assessment.)
  3. Be sure to answer all the questions and complete all the assessment sections.
  4. When you’re done, click "FINISHED" after the Life Experience Section.

You will be able to print out your results when finished. If you have any questions about your gifts, contact Deborah Whaley at 713.264.4201 or

NOTE: Before clicking the button below, make note of the Activation Code you'll be required to enter: hfbc-cypress

PLACE Assessment

  1. Go to the online PLACE Assessment below.
  2. In the area labeled “Activation Code” enter this code: hfbc-downtown (If you have trouble after you enter the code once, please contact Peter Lee at 713.264.4375 or for assistance. Reentering the code will cause us to be charged for a second assessment.)
  3. Be sure to answer all the questions and complete all the assessment sections.
  4. When you’re done, click "FINISHED" after the Life Experience Section.

You will be able to print out your results when finished. If you have any questions about your gifts, contact Peter Lee.

NOTE: Before clicking the button below, make note of the Activation Code you'll be required to enter: hfbc-downtown

PLACE Assessment

PLACE Course

Sundays, Sep 15–Oct 13, 2024 @ 12:30-1:45p — Downtown Campus (Rm 220)

God created each of us for a purpose. This course will help you discover how God has uniquely designed you to make disciples among your family, friends, colleagues, and community – all for the sake of Jesus’ name. Topics include personality, spiritual gifts, abilities, passions, and life experiences.

Learn More and Register

  1. Go to the online Spiritual Gifts Assessment below.
  2. In the area labeled “Activation Code” enter this code: hfbc-sienna (If you have trouble after you enter the code once, please contact Pastor Malcolm at 713.264.4300 or for assistance. Reentering the code will cause us to be charged for a second assessment.)
  3. Be sure to answer all the questions and complete all the assessment sections.
  4. When you’re done, click "FINISHED" after the Life Experience Section.

You will be able to print out your results when finished. If you have any questions about your gifts, contact Pastor Malcolm at 713.264.4300 or

NOTE: Before clicking the button below, make note of the Activation Code you'll be required to enter: hfbc-sienna

PLACE Assessment
