Gather with Houston's First online at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p each Sunday.
Find streaming links and on-campus schedules at each of our four campuses in our SUNDAY TOOLKIT.

Houston's First

Relevant Biblical Community

Real Life. Real People.

Welcome to Houston's First! We are a thriving and diverse community of real people experiencing real life together. Sundays are a time where we gather together to grow and give of what we have, but our lives consist of much more than attending church on Sunday. We want to be the church every day of the week.

20 Year Celebration

We invite you to share your stories and memories of how Pastor Gregg has made a difference in your life. Whether it's a memorable sermon, a moment of personal support, or the role he played in your journey to Christ, we would love to hear it!…

Storm Relief

Impacted by the May 16 storms in Houston? We want to help! Complete this short form and a team member will contact you soon.

The Belong Conference

The Belong Conference exists to help women focus on the greatness and superiority of God. He is greater than anything going on in our world...

Summer Reading Challenge

Accept the challenge to solidify your foundation in reading this summer as you engage in rock solid Christian resources and activities.

Sunday Toolkit

Find helpful tools so you can fully engage in our Sunday online experience as we worship together!

Safeguarding - Cultivating a Culture that Cares

The child protection policy at Houston's First supports our commitment to create safe spaces for our most vulnerable population.

Gather. Grow. Give.

A church our size has a lot to offer. In fact, there's so much going on, we realize it can be difficult finding the right place for you or your family. That's why we've based our ministry around a three-part strategy: Gather. Grow. Give.


Worship Services & Special Events

Worship services and special events are the primary ways the church family gathers our hearts together. Coming together like this reveals the beauty and diversity of God's children. No two people are exactly the same! And when we gather our hearts to praise Him or simply have a good time, there is room for everybody!



Life Bible Studies & Equip

Life Bible Studies and Equip classes are our main vehicles for growing our souls closer to God. They provide a place for us to explore the beauty and mystery of God's Word. These smaller settings also open the door for discussion with others as we seek to apply what we read in the Bible to our daily lives with friends to walk through it with you!



Missions & Volunteering

A soul growing closer to God simply cannot contain itself. Eventually, it will need to find a release. It will need something to do with the abundant love, grace, life, peace, joy, hope, mercy, forgiveness, redemption, well … you get the idea … that it's received from the Creator of the Universe. Missions and volunteering are just two such outlets.

Choose your campus for the latest media, news, and events!
