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Online Giving

Houston's First Generosity

Select Your Campus

To begin the online giving process, select the Houston's First campus you attend:

The LoopCypressDowntownSiennaWebcast

Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)Houston’s First Baptist Church is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), an accrediting organization that is dedicated to helping Christian ministries and churches uphold high standards of responsible stewardship. For more information, visit

Make your intentions a reality.

Houston's First uses a secure and convenient platform to support our online giving option — enabling you to make your generosity intentions a reality. Through our online giving platform, you can make either one-time or recurring contributions. When you give, you can designate your gifts for any of the giving purposes listed below.

If you have questions about online giving, please contact Betsy Walker, 713.957.5806 for assistance.

Select Your Campus

To begin the online giving process, select the Houston's First campus or worship service that you attend:

Mobile Giving

The official Houston's First Baptist Church app enable you to give conveniently and securely directly from your mobile device. Download the app for iOS or Android and tap on GIVE to make your contribution.

Giving Types

Great Commission — Funds used for our ministry operating budget.

General Missions — Direct financial support to the local and global missions efforts of Houston’s First Baptist Church.

Benevolence — Funds used to provide financial assistance for those who apply through the Benevolence Ministry at the Faith Center.

World Mission Offering — Received once a year from the Houston's First family on a designated Sunday, this offering supports missionaries serving through the International Mission Board, the North America Mission Board, or with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. Many people choose to give to the WMO throughout the year.

Planned Giving — Houston’s First partners with PhilanthroCorp to provide estate and gift planning services to our members at no cost to them. PhilanthroCorp will walk you through the process to create a legacy that honors your family and values – you can even leave a gift to Houston’s First after your lifetime! Click here for more information.

Give to Mission Trips

Click here to give to specific mission trips sponsored by Houston's First or to individuals going on one of our trips.

Give to General Missions

Click here to give to General Missions at Houston's First

Gifts of Stock

The gifting of stock to the church is a “win-win” situation for both the donor and the church. Since the church is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, the gift will qualify as a charitable contribution and is tax deductible. This is a very simple and easy process that can be coordinated through the Financial Services office of the church.

If you would like to donate a gift of stock, or desire additional information, please contact Betsy Walker, 713.957.5806. On all tax questions, it is advisable to consult with a tax advisor or CPA.

Generosity at Houston's First

Blessings Multiplied

By little more than faith, young newlyweds began giving, setting a pattern of generosity. Forty-two years later, the fruit of obedience continues to bless them — and others. …

Plan for a Living - and Giving

Walking their talk characterizes one couple at The Loop Campus: shedding some of the “stuff” allows a streamlined approach to living a life of freedom and generosity. …

Eternal Impact

The ability to be generous begins with preparation. Houston’s First members learned that near painless preparation brought a great deal of peace and the knowledge that their Kingdom building would continue for generations. …

Living Simply, Loving Deeply

A member at the Downtown Campus is finding greater freedom and purpose in life, career and ministry as she gives God permission to call the shots. …

Exceedingly Above

Wes and Brenda Jackson thought they would have to cut back on their giving — and then MISSION 1:8 launched. Not to their surprise, God provided exceedingly above their expectations in the months ahead. …

A New Season

Fifteen years of steady employment gave way to two rounds of layoffs in three years, and a Houston’s First couple had a change of heart about where their hope is found. …

Financial Report

Houston's First provides a monthly financial report summarizing contributions to the church and expenses incurred by the church. Find the latest report here, along with information about our budget process, auditing practices, and accountability measures.
