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Move Our Hearts

First Worship

Songs are vehicles of expression.

Our desire is to influence the language of worship within our church as we pray and journey together. Move Our Hearts calls us to stand in the gap for the poor, widow, orphan, and prisoner — and to reach beyond our walls to our city, our nation, and our world. At Houston’s First, we call this movement MISSION 1:8.

Move Our Hearts is a labor of love by worship leaders from the Houston's First family — some who are staff members, others who are volunteers. Each song was written and performed by this gifted collection of believers who lead the church each week as our Bands & Singers. Regardless of the specific roles they play, they share a common heart for worshipping Him — and Move Our Hearts invites us to join them.

Move Our Hearts

"Move Our Hearts" features original songs written and performed by the Bands & Singers at Houston's First Baptist Church. The album debuted on Jun 23, 2013 at CornerBooks and on iTunes.

  1. Children of the Day
  2. Thousand Stars
  3. We Are Not Enough
  4. Move Our Hearts
  5. Greatest Glory
  6. Faithful
  7. All We Need
  8. We Are Yours

Purchase from iTunes

"Real religion is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight and guard against corruption from the godless world."

— James 1:27, The Message

The Songs

The artists providing the lead vocals on each song share the inspiration behind the music.

Children of the Day

Star Smith, Worship Leader
"'We are the children of the day!' These words ring out with hope in the completed work of Christ. As His sons and daughters, we have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of light. 1 Thessalonians 5:5, 8 says: "For you are all children of light, children of the day. We declare our true identity — children of the Day, rescued and redeemed and loved sons and daughters, men and women of HOPE in the darkest of days. I love the part of the song that calls us to action: "So we awake. So we arise. So we sing." We want to be people who HEAR the Word and DO the Word. I pray that through this song God will open our eyes to see Him as our Father who loves us, and I ask that He would, in His kindness, awaken our hearts to live as children of the day."

Thousand Stars

Michael Brady, Associate Director of Worship — Bands & Singers
Thousand Stars is written from the same point of view as the ancient songwriter who looked up at the night sky on a clear night long ago (Psalm 8): Complete awe. Our words fall short of describing Him; our songs will never be sufficient, but we acknowledge his closeness to our hearts and his uniqueness in our Universe.”

We Are Not Enough

Quimi Alaniz, Student Ministry Worship Leader
"Whenever I sing We Are Not Enough, I picture my heart in three positions – on my knees, standing with fist in the air and standing with arms wide open. There’s a humility and surrender in the verses that moves into a declaration in the chorus of God’s eternal standing and power, to then bring us to the bridge where we offer our hearts in availability for the ultimate purpose of His Kingdom and Will."

Move Our Hearts

Daniel McLendon, Middle School Ministry Assistant
"I was inspired to start writing Move Our Hearts with the hope that I would find my joy, passion, and strength from nothing other than the power of Christ. Our church is seeking a huge vision from the Lord, and with this massive undertaking, it can become so easy to revert to manpower and human will in an attempt to accomplish the many tasks at hand. For me, this is a song which pleads for God to send His Spirit down and stir our affections for Him, because although our plans and vision my be great, without the power of God, they are meaningless. So, we call out for Him to move our hearts."

Greatest Glory

Ryan Langford, Minister of Music — Bands & Singers
"Early one morning my heart was captured by the wonder of our God and the power of songs that contain his name. Sitting in that familiar place we call Starbucks, the words and melody of Greatest Glory began to flow. I can only imagine the Lord’s delight as He surprises His children with gifts in unexpected moments."


Elizabeth Trask, Singers Director
"When we were writing Faithful, it was at a time when I was waiting and asking God for a miracle in my life. I read about all the miracles He did in the bible, and wondered if He could do the same today. Age to age, He is the same. (Hebrews 13:8) That means that we can see His character in the bible, and trust that He is still a God of grace, redemption, and love. We can look forward to the future, not knowing what it holds, but assured that God will provide for His people, just as he did in biblical times. We can pray, trusting that God hears our prayers, and knows what’s best for us. Today, I am thanking God that he did answer my prayer. He was faithful, as He always is…. yesterday, today, and forever. I pray that you would trust Him in your own life. Rejoice and sing! For His ways are good and His love is strong."

All We Need

Stephen Smith, Multisite Pastor
"All We Need was written in one sitting while at our church. The bridge led the way to the rest of the song. Each time we sing it, I want it to communicate the complete demolition of personal ambition and aspiration in light of all that He is in my life."

We Are Yours

Meredyth Cann, Missions Associate and Worship Leader
"We Are Yours is a cry for our eyes to be opened to all God is doing around us. We want our affections fixed on Jesus. There is no greater calling than to be loved by Him and to love others as He has loved us."

    The Team

    Our thanks to everyone who worked on the Move Our Hearts project!

    • Produced and engineered by Brad Nyght, The Bakery Studios
    • Mixed by Sean Moffitt with assistance by Warren David
    • Drums — Johnny Simmons
    • Electric Guitar & Bass — Chad Carouthers
    • Keys & Percussion — Brad Nyght
    • Acoustic Guitar — Michael Brady
    • Ukulele & Accordion — Quimi Alaniz
    • Singers — Jonathan Burditt, Waylon Clark, Jessica Clemmons, Cheryl Cox, Michelle Curnutte, Jerry Davison, Michael Doyle, Sydney Flynt, Kendra Freeman, Trish Fuller, Allison Fussell, David Harris, Angelina Hernandez, Karen Hoaglin, Kristen Huddleston, Gabriel Ianculovici, Jennifer Isaminger, Carlos Jessurun, John Kesinger, Laura MacDermaid, Rodney Meyers, Edmee Micheli, Jennifer Murrell, Eric Otto, Brittany Perkins, Adela Rushing, Gabriele Sadikin, Mon'Sher Spencer, Charles Springer, Amber Stewart, Cindy Svahn, Christina Totten, Elizabeth Trask, Thomas Trask, Katie Van Dyke, Melissa Vanderbloemen, Andrew Vernon, Jennifer Warren, Becky White
    • Cover Art — Josh Alexander