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Who was Julianna Poor?

Julianna Poor was the only daughter of Dr. Charles & Joanna Poor. She died of cancer in 1991 after a brief and tragic struggle. Julianna was a student at Oklahoma Baptist University when she was diagnosed with cancer, and was 21 when she died.

Dr. Poor is founder of the Counseling Center and was the director until his retirement in June 1998. In honor of his contributions to Houston’s First Baptist Church, the Counseling Center was renamed in memory of Julianna during a ceremony at the church on July 18, 1999. Dr. Poor now serves as Counseling Minister Emeritus.

Marge Caldwell

March 29, 1914 – February 6, 2006

Can you say her name without smiling? Each Christian is here to exhibit God’s qualities; Marge’s were, among many others, beauty and grace. Even her last moment here was wrapped with a graceful breath—in a way that only a true lady could have left this earth. At times like this, we think of the things people who have passed to heaven have left with us. Marge left an invaluable, unique legacy that transcends generations. The Caldwell’s peers as well as young adults and children will all grieve, for Marge touched us all. Marge was a believer in the Lord and a believer in us. Throughout her life, she had no hesitation to pass the baton of faith on to anyone who wanted to carry it forward in Jesus’ name. She believed we could carry it with her in the race, and now we can carry it for her and for the One she loved the most.

We could not keep remembering Marge without including her lovely sense of humor! She was constantly reminding us that she “loved us gobs!” She loved life, and it showed. Christmas sparkled in her eyes like a four-year-old. She laughed in joy as she praised in both the traditional and contemporary services on Sunday mornings. She danced with Chuck when people her age had stopped dancing. During her last week in the office in the Counseling Center, she mentioned that she hardly ever thought about her age!

Jesus authored quite a love story through the Caldwells. Countless hours could be spent talking about how Chuck and Marge’s marriage of 68 years has deeply changed the way we live out our own relationships. As a married couple, they put Christ first, and it is obvious that they never ran out of love for each other in the mean time.

Marge also left some thoughts with us in the last counseling staff meeting. Each staff member was sharing what God was doing in our lives. Marge said she had so much more to do—much more spiritual growth she wanted to take place. Marge said that she couldn’t stand it when older people wanted to live solely on the past and on its memories. Life—full life was in her to the very end. She completed a full counseling schedule on Friday (the day before she went into the hospital.)

Marge started counseling at the center when she was 70 years old. Prior to the center’s opening, Brother John Bisagno would frequently find her counseling in a small room off of the Green Room. When it was decided to start a church counseling center, Brother John said he wanted Marge to be a part of it. Marge even went to audit classes at the university level to further her education in preparation for the new center, which began in 1983 with Dr. Charles Poor and Marge Caldwell. Additionally, in 2004, Marge and Chuck were delighted as The Gay Caldwell Roper Center for Counselor Education of HFBC was founded in Marge’s honor.

It will be a little quieter without Marge. Her laughter rang with contagious joy. But we will still hear her echo in our hearts saying, “Oh my soul! Can you believe it?” She was always so excited about it all. We cannot fathom how her soul must have exclaimed that famous phrase Monday night as she stood at heaven’s entrance.

Honoring Dolores

In honor of a godly woman who put others before herself

Words cannot begin to describe the mix of emotions we immediately felt upon hearing the news that Dolores had passed away – sadness, loss, shock, but also joy and excitement knowing that she is with Jesus dancing around heaven. The excitement of thinking about her face as she beheld God in all His glory and peace, while at the same time thinking of how we will miss hearing her encouraging words and feeling her warm hugs. We each had a unique relationship with Dolores, but regardless of the nature of our relationship, we can all agree on how selfless she was and how she dearly loved the Lord, her family, and her counseling family.

Dolores served in the church for nearly 25 years. Her work in the counseling center began in 1995 while Dr. Poor was the director. She has been a constant, making sure that each person who entered the counseling center received the warmest welcome possible. Her desire for that has been passed onto the ladies she has worked with, and that welcome is foundational to each person’s first experience in the counseling center. Dolores brought a home-like feel to the center. When a person entered, they were not just another “client,” but they were important – no matter their story they deserved the love of Christ. Her relationship with Christ overflowed into the lives of others. She noticed when people were not feeling well, and she would not give up until they told the truth about how they were doing – she was devoted to praying for others through their struggle. She was an amazing woman, and she will be dearly missed by all who crossed her path.
