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Meet the Counselors

Counseling Team Staff

It can be difficult to admit that you need help in your life, and we applaud you in taking this brave step. We hope that the counselor you connect with will help you walk through the issue you have chosen to address.

Below you will find a list of counselors who are taking new clients, what campuses they serve at, and a link to their bio as well as what areas they work in and techniques implemented in their counseling. As a church-based counseling center we do practice from a Christian/Biblical foundation. This may include but is not limited to the use of Scripture, prayer, and other Christian thoughts/practices in session. Our goal is to provide you Biblically based, clinically competent, Spirit-sensitive counseling.

Meet the Counselors

Select a Campus

Counseling Service

New Clients

= Counselor speaks both English and Spanish

Adam Mason


Ashlea Szanto

Betsy Jones

Bilingual Consultant, Supervisor: Adam Mason

Carolina Elliston

Chris Jee

EMDR, Neurofeedback

Courtney Strong

Daria Morris

Practicum Counselor, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

David Tamez

Dianne Keel

Dylan Pierson

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Mary Ring

Emad Mossad

Gene Burrus

Pastoral Counselor

Greg Curnutte

EMDR, Neurofeedback

Hannah Causey

LPC Associate | Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Jennifer Brock

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Jennifer Griffith

Jessica Horgan

Practicum Counselor, Supervisor: Adam Mason

Jill Barnhart

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Karen Fuchs

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Kori Odior

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Kristen John

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Kristin Britt

Lizz Calderon

Mary Ring

EMDR, Neurofeedback

Myles Schutte


Natalie Dindorf

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Nicole Thompson

LMFT-Associate, Supervisor: Mary Ring

Orelia Velazquez

Practicum Counselor, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Pamela Washington

Peejayé Robins

Practicum Counselor, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Richard Cozart

Rob Revenaugh


Rosemary P'Pool

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Adam Mason

Sarah Bade

Sarah Iskander

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Sika Apaloo

Practicum Counselor, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Suzanne Rose

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Tim Garrett

Consultant, Supervisor: Greg Curnutte

Tori Hankey

LPC-Associate, Supervisor: Adam Mason

What do all the Letters Mean?

LPC-S / LMFT-S — These therapists have completed additional training to supervise LPC-Interns/LMFT-A during the therapist’s internship time.

LPC / LMFT / LCSW / LMSW — These therapists have completed all of the requirements for “full licensure” according to their Texas state board’s licensing requirements.

Pastoral/Biblical Counselor - A counselor with at least a master’s degree in biblical counseling, pastoral counseling, or pastoral theology who approaches issues from a biblical perspective while integrating clinical insights from psychology and psychotherapy. Pastoral/biblical counselors are not licensed by any Texas state board.

LPC-ASSOCIATE / LMFT-A — These therapists have completed their Master’s level work and passed their licensing test. They are under the weekly supervision of an LPC-S or LMFT-S depending on their license. The state requires them to accumulate 3000 hours of experience before they complete their full licensure requirements.

Consultant — A Consultant is an individual who has completed their practicum and completed their requirements for graduate school. They are under the weekly supervision of our staff.

Practicum Counselor — This person is pursuing their Master’s level degree in counseling. They are under the weekly supervision of our staff and their academic counseling supervisor. They are required to obtain 350 hours of experience to graduate.
