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The GO Global Care ministry at Houston’s First Baptist Church (HFBC) is a loving community of support for our Christian workers while they are abroad or at home. GO Global Care seeks to ensure consistent communication and connection with workers while they are serving in their host countries. For returned workers, we want to provide a safe place for fellowship, life assistance and opportunities for them to share their skill and experience for the benefit of the body of Christ. Wherever God has placed them, we recognize and appreciate their service and sacrifice in bringing the gospel message to the world.
GO Global Care seeks to provide a safe, clean, place of rest for the Global Worker. We do this through our multiple housing units and properties. Whether a global worker is a supported worker of HFBC or not and whether they are in Houston for a week or 6 months, we want to provide a place of respite for their time here.
Debriefing and Counseling
Global workers often face challenging transitions and emotional strain, making counseling and debriefing essential for their long-term health. While we at GO Global Care are not licensed counselors, we do provide scholarships for counseling services. Also, effective debriefing and personal renewal are crucial for the long-term health of all cross-cultural workers and their families, especially during challenging transitions. Many of our GO Global Care Pathmakers and Staff are trained debriefers and offer these services both on the field, and during home assignment.
Care Contacts
A Global Worker Care Contact is a person with a heart for God’s global workers, a passion to see God glorified in the nations, and an ability to relate well with people. A Care Contact could be a representative of a larger group (e.g., Life Bible Study) or an individual or a family. Each Care Contact agrees to adopt a global worker (missionary or missionary family) to provide encouragement, prayer and a direct link to our local church family.
Care Trips
As GO Global Care, we understand the importance of visiting global workers on the field – to meet them where they’re at, see their ministry, and their host country. One of the aspects of GO Global Care is to do exactly that, to visit our supported Global Workers in their place of service. By doing this, we can better understand them which allows us to love and care for them on a deeper level.
Home Groups
As GO Global Care, we understand what it is like to be on the field, to return to our passport country, and not be understood by those around us. That’s why the Returned Global Worker Home Group began – to provide community with others who “get it.”
Home Group is a bi-weekly Bible study for like-minded workers – for those who have returned from their host country, for those who are in Houston on furlough, for those who are looking to go to the field, and for those who have a heart for missions.
Global Worker Events
One of our objectives in GO Global Care is to create a community for global workers. One of the ways we do this is by hosting events. Some of these events consist of: Game Nights, Annual Christmas Party, Dinner on the Lawn, Missionary Care Retreats, and more!
– Houston’s First supports global workers in over 40 countries. Regions include Central Asia, Europe, Americas, North Africa and the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Rim, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
– You can participate through prayer, volunteering for events, or becoming a Care Contact.
– We occasionally offer informational luncheons to share insights about missionary care. Additionally, we provide debriefing training for TCKs (Third Culture Kids) and adults to help them process their experiences.
– A TCK (formally known as Missionary Kid) is a “person who spends a significant part of his or her first eighteen years of life accompanying parents in a country that is different from at least one parents’ passport country(ies) due to a parent’s choice of work or advanced training” (this is the most common definition). Kids that grow up like this are considered to be in a third culture because they don’t quite fit in or aren’t fully part of the culture their parents are serving in.
– In recent years, our team has partnered with mission organizations to provide childcare and support for Third Culture Kids (TCKs). If you’re interested in joining us on our upcoming trip, registration is now open for our East Africa “TCK” Trip. Click Here for the complete list of upcoming mission trips.
Here are some of the resources we provide
Home Group
We host a bi-weekly Home Group Bible study for like-minded workers – for those who have returned from their host country, for those who are in Houston on furlough, for those who are looking to go to the field, and for those who have a heart for missions.
If you’re ever in town on furlough or home assignment, HFBC owns housing units specifically for global workers needing a place to stay. For more information on housing, please email: GoHousing@HoustonsFirst.org
Debriefing and Counseling
We offer scholarships for counseling services and provide expert debriefing for adults and Third Culture Kids (TCKs) to help you navigate and reflect on your experiences.
We’d love to pray for you. Send us your prayer requests, newsletters, or updates, and we'll lift them up in prayer.
Global Care Events
If you’re ever in town, let us know! We’d love to invite you to our upcoming events, like fun game nights and our bi-weekly global worker home group.
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Need help choosing your campus? Email us or call 713.264.4200.