Thank you for considering a short-term mission trip with Houston's First. This is more than a trip! You will be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission by going and making disciples to the ends of the earth.
God will overwhelm your heart with compassion, open your eyes to spiritual needs, and leverage your calling and talents for the Kingdom of God in ways you never thought possible — all while making an eternal impact in the peoples of the world.
2025 Mission Trips • Why do we GO? • Mission Trip Interest Form • Completed 2024 Mission Trips
Jan 5–15, 2025
Thru the Roof will be sending a team into the Middle East as a follow up to the 2023 trip to the same area. The team will be conducting training sessions for school staff on managing the difficult behaviors often encountered while serving those with disabilities. Additionally, we’ll be speaking directly to parents of Autistic children at a local clinic on adaptive practices they can use to better engage and support their child in the home. This trip will also have a particular focus on care for our local missions partners who have faithfully served the people of this area for 15 years.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Daniel Williams
January 15–25, 2025
Our women’s team will partner with global workers who are serving women in this key city. This trip is sensitive in nature and will require team training and preparation.
Team Leader: Andi Farrell
February 7-15, 2025
Caring for Global Worker families is essential to their long-term work on the field. Our missionary care team is taking a trip to East Africa to serve global worker (Third Culture Kids) kids at a bi-annual conference for Sub-Saharan global worker families. We are looking for people who love children and want to use their gifts to serve global worker families. Our team will provide teaching and engaging activities for children and teenagers.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Kelsey Jarjour
February 15–22, 2025
Guatemala is a beautiful country with significant spiritual and physical needs. We are looking for doctors, nurses, physical therapists, dentists, and bilingual translators to serve families in the rural areas of Guatemala. We will partner with Agape in Action to provide medical clinics in areas of need.
We are specifically looking for Spanish interpreters!
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Tanna Vayon
March 7–9, 2025
SXSW (South by Southwest) is an annual festival in Austin (TX) that draws 300,000+ people from all over the world and showcases the latest cutting edge in music, art, and technology. Join us for an annual catalytic mission trip that will mobilize followers of Jesus to reach secular people at SXSW and fuel a year-round evangelism movement to reach people who would not walk into a church! The trip will include a deep community with other young adults from around the country, times of corporate prayer and worship, training, engagement in SXSW-sanctioned stage that will showcase the Gospel using relevant creative expression and spiritual conversations.
Team Leader: Ryan Glasscock
March 8-14, 2025
Rushmore is a mission trip for 10th- 12th-grade students looking to take their mission experience to the next level! Taking place in either DC or NYC, this experience gives students a place to hone in on their missional gifting while serving NYC and DC Church Planters. At Rushmore, students will interact and minister to state-side international communities and learn about different ways of sharing Jesus!
Rushmore requires an application process. Applications are available in September each year, and accompanying interviews will follow.
Team Leader: Tommy Kersten
March 8-14, 2025
Rushmore is a mission trip for 10th- 12th-grade students looking to take their mission experience to the next level! Taking place in either DC or NYC, this experience gives students a place to hone in on their missional gifting while serving NYC and DC Church Planters. At Rushmore, students will interact and minister to state-side international communities and learn about different ways of sharing Jesus!
Rushmore requires an application process. Applications are available in September each year, and accompanying interviews will follow.
Team Leader: Tony Bianco
March 8-14, 2025
Rushmore is a mission trip for 10th- 12th-grade students looking to take their mission experience to the next level! Taking place in either DC or NYC, this experience gives students a place to hone in on their missional gifting while serving NYC and DC Church Planters. At Rushmore, students will interact and minister to state-side international communities and learn about different ways of sharing Jesus!
Rushmore requires an application process. Applications are available in September each year, and accompanying interviews will follow.
Team Leader: Giancarlo Callejas
March 8-14, 2025
10-12th Grade students are invited to join the team for Rushmore 2024! Students will go to either New York City or Washington DC to lean into their spiritual gifts and find new ways to show the love of Jesus. The city features partnerships with North American Mission Board (NAMB) church planters, experiences unique to Rushmore, new ways to share the Gospel, and deeper community with HUB Students & Staff!
Team Leader: Mark Cox
March 8–12, 2025
Boston is home to more than 250,000 college students and a thriving international community. Houston’s First college students are partnering with Kings Hill Church to serve the Greater Boston area in Jesus’ name. This trip is open to college students that attend Houston’s First College Ministry. Not a college student? You are invited to partner with the college ministry team through prayer and sending!
Team Leader: Hunter Mullennix
March 11-17, 2025
Join our team serving alongside Phoenix Street Reach for a week of prayer walking, evangelism, and meeting physical needs among the homeless population.
Team Leader: Alan Stumbaugh
March 6–15, 2025
Join our team serving in a key Middle Eastern country as we minister to men and women. Together, we will support the disciple-making movement through our partnership with this key ministry. Commitment to team meetings for training in evangelism, cross-cultural engagement, and discipleship are required.
Team Leader: Jason and Paige Swiggart
March 27–April 6, 2025
Caring for global worker families is vital for their long-term success in the field. Our missionary care team is traveling to Southern Africa to support Third Culture Kids (TCKs) at a conference for global workers in the region, in partnership with a dedicated missions agency.
We are seeking individuals who are passionate about working with teenagers and want to use their gifts to serve global worker families. Our team will provide teaching and engaging activities designed specifically for these teens. Join us in supporting the laborers of the Gospel and their children!
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Jeff Ralston
April 1-10, 2025
Thru the Roof will return once again to the Middle East with a multi-disciplinary team of therapists. Specialist in speech pathology, occupational therapy, and physical therapy will provide in home therapy to local families. They will also be training local therapy center staff on their skills.
We are looking specifically for an OT and a PT!
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Daniel Williams
May 1–4, 2025
Join a women’s team helping our church partner, Queens Church with their seventh annual women’s conference. Queens Church is a church plant ministering to people in Woodside, a residential neighborhood near Astoria.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Candice Corley
April 23-29, 2025
The Adult ll LBS classes of Houston’s First Baptist are in a 5-year strategic partnership with the Maine Baptist Association and its member churches. This is trip #3. Participants on this trip will play a supporting role in carrying out the revitalization strategies of 3-6 churches in Maine. These revitalization strategies include community outreach, church gatherings, conferences/seminars, small maintenance projects, prayer initiatives, and other activities needed by the churches. As we serve alongside our brothers and sisters in Maine, we gain tools that will also train us for our mission here at HFBC. Trip cost includes all transportation, housing, and most of the meals. One day of the trip will focus on building camaraderie among the team members. Team members can make arrangements to bring children or grandchildren on a case-by-case basis.
Team Leaders: David and Lisa Slattery
Site Leaders: Clark and Tina Davis; Gary and Ann Zallar; Don and Denise Munton
All team members must be Safeguarding approved prior to joining the team.
*Adult ll LBS classes are made up of people and families that are in or nearing the empty-nesting stage of life.
April 25–May 3, 2025
South Asia Messenger Team will partner with an HFBC missions partner for a short-term trip with a long-term vision and strategy. Together, the team will work to initiate, nurture, and facilitate outreach strategies to spark disciple-making movements that result in Biblical church planting. The team will also work with existing house churches to encourage local believers through evangelistic work. You will be equipped to share God's Word and minister through prayer, fellowship, and cross-cultural engagement.
Team Leaders: Khai and My-Le Huynh
April 25–May 4, 2025
Do you like adventure, traveling to rural areas, meeting friendly people, and aren’t afraid to try new things? If so, the New Ground Team might be for you! Team members must complete training in EV, cross-cultural engagement, and more. The New Ground Team is all about immersing yourself in a new culture while sowing gospel seeds in areas of the world where the gospel has yet to have been proclaimed.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Laura Trotta
August '25
Legacy 68:5— the adoption, foster care, and kinship care ministry of Houston’s First is partnering with Vida Real Church and Alianza Cristiana Para Los Huérfanos to strengthen and equip foster families in Guatemala. This trip is available to Legacy 68:5 families or volunteers who are bilingual, have completed training, and have been approved for service.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Toni Steere
June 12-21, 2025
Be part of the South Asia disciple-making movement on this evangelism focused trip. Be ready to engage people who are eager to have spiritual conversations while exploring a challenging cross-cultural context. Attending team meetings and trainings are mandatory. Applications will be reviewed, and notifications will be sent upon approval.
Team Leader: Kali Simpson
June 2025
Join our team serving in a key Middle Eastern country as we minister to men, women, and youth. Together, we will support the disciple-making movement through sports and student ministry engagement. Commitment to team meetings for training in evangelism, cross-cultural engagement, and discipleship are required.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Chad Hamm
June 7–14, 2025
This entry level trip is designed for families to serve on mission together. Team members will participate in a variety of ministry opportunities including children’s ministry, sports camp, mercy ministries, evangelism, and work projects alongside Tamarindo Church.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Kevin Spivey
June 28–July 6, 2025
Target unreached people groups in an urban European context. Small teams will focus on gospel sowing through building personal relationships in strategic areas of London. The primary task will be Bible and digital resource distribution, gospel sharing, and prayer walking. There will also be opportunities for relational ministry in parks and to the Muslim community in London.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Emil Haddad
June 6-12, 2025
HUB Cypress 11th-12th grade students will work alongside InStep International and Yellow River Church, a local church in Jaco, Costa Rica. The students will host community outreach events, partner with local schools for evangelistic teaching, and do local work projects in Jaco. Their mission is part of a long-term partnership between HFBC Cypress Campus and InStep-International Costa Rica, aimed at strengthening local pastors, churches, and families.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Tommy Kersten
June 30–July 7, 2025
Join us as we take the gospel to LeBlanc, an unchurched neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro in partnership with one of our global worker partners. During our time there we will host activities for men, women and children and in doing so create spaces for gospel conversations to take place. We will also participate in activities to enrich the community such as prayer walks, sprucing up the neighborhood through picking up trash, and building relationships with those we meet along the way as we connect them to local churches and believers.
All team members must be Safeguarding approved prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Fraisy George
July 4–13, 2025
Partner with Cru - Momentum Europe - as they reach and disciple college-aged young adults. We will have a week-long camp where we will utilize sports, games, Bible stories and character development themes to weave the gospel story and share Christ, through word and deed.
Team Leader: Peter Lee
July 8–15, 2025
Be part of a team serving Alaska residents who camp on the Cook Inlet beaches at the Kenai River during the height of salmon fishing season. This ministry approach is gentle servanthood and meeting needs through various methods including kids club, prayer walking, traffic control, trash pick-up, and serving food. Engage the community through servant evangelism. Think “beach reach” Alaskan style! Minimum age 8 years old.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Chris Heitman
July 26–August 2, 2025
Join us for a week filled with outreach in the diverse, beautiful neighborhood of Western Queens. We will partner with Queens Church to put on a youth sports camp, as well as meet people from the neighborhood in the parks & near the subways. We’ll serve the city by providing coffee, having giveaways, and offering prayer. On this trip, you'll have the opportunity to interact with the people of Queens and extend the love of Christ to many who need the hope of Jesus in their life!
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Malcolm Marshall
Fall 2025
Partner with “Your Church”, a Send Network church plant in Las Vegas, to support their efforts to reach the community with the gospel. Come learn about church planting, community ministry, and be part of encouraging the church planting team of Your Church.
Team Leader: Michelle Reynolds
Oct 17-26, 2025
Do you like adventure, traveling to rural areas, meeting friendly people, and aren’t afraid to try new things? If so, the New Ground Team might be for you! Team members must complete training in evangelism, cross-cultural engagement, and more. The New Ground Team is all about immersing yourself in a new culture while sowing gospel seeds in areas of the world where the gospel has yet to have been proclaimed.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Brandon Ayers
Sep 24–30 2025
Participants on this trip will play a supporting role in carrying out the revitalization strategies of 3-6 churches in Maine. This includes community outreach, church gatherings, conferences/seminars, small maintenance projects, prayer initiatives, and other activities needed by the churches. The team will also participate in Maine Baptist Association's annual state conference of its Southern Baptist churches. As we serve alongside our brothers and sisters in Maine, we gain tools that will also train us for our mission here at Houston’s First. Trip cost includes all transportation, housing, and most of the meals. One day of the trip will focus on building camaraderie among the team members. Team members can make arrangements to bring children or grandchildren on a case-by-case basis.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
*Adult ll LBS classes are made up of people and families that are in or nearing the empty-nesting stage of life.
Team Leader: Don Munton
October 2–5, 2025
Favor City Church is turning 4 years old! Summit Young Adults will be traveling to celebrate with Favor City while also supporting ministry partners in the Las Vegas. Come learn about church planting and the work of Favor City Church to reach this key Send City.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: Brandon Ayers
November 5–16, 2025
What do you get when you combine hiking, backpacking, and evangelism? The Mountain Team! The Gospel has reached some of the most remote places in South Asia through our partnership with global workers and the local team. Evangelism proficiency, the ability to carry a backpack for days, and a willingness to “rough it” are a must. Team meetings and trainings are mandatory.
Team Leader: Justin Seale
December 2025
Description coming soon.
All team members must be Safeguarding screened prior to joining the team.
Team Leader: TBD
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NOTE: Applicants are required to complete Safeguarding screening prior to joining trips that require Safeguarding screening. Click here to learn more about Safeguarding.
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