Equip are adult discipleship classes that provide opportunities for spiritual growth in combination with Life Bible Study.
These classes are designed in 6 and 12-week sessions and are held throughout the week.
To access the outline of Equip classes, click here.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30–8p (Rm 330)
Ever felt like you're in a crowded room but still completely alone? Like you're stranded on an island no one else can see? Loneliness is real, and it affects us all in different ways. But you don't have to face it by yourself.
This group course for adults 18+ is designed to help you explore how to break the cycle of loneliness with the help of God's Word and proven therapeutic techniques. Together, we'll dive into practical mental health strategies, Draw on the comfort and wisdom of Biblical teachings, and learn how to build meaningful, lasting connections. You're not alone. With God's guidance and practical support, we can make a difference together.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–Mar5 @ 6:30–8p (336 A)
Do you want your kids to grow up to be emotionally, mentally, relationally, and spiritually healthy? As kids go through life, they encounter people and situations that lead them to pack and carry some enormous emotional baggage that keeps them from living in the grace and freedom that Christ provides. In this study, parents will identify common “bags” that kids pack and consider practical strategies that parents can use to leverage their influence and help their kids "lighten the load."
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30–8p (Chapel)
“You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16
A farmer plows his field but is still dependent on God to bring rain. Farming is a joint venture between God and the farmer. The farmer cannot do what God must do, and God will not do what the farmer should do. We can say just as accurately that the pursuit of holiness is a joint venture between God and the Christian. No one can attain any degree of holiness without God working in his life, but just as surely, no one will attain it without effort on his own part. God has made it possible for us to walk in holiness.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–Mar 5 @ 6:30–8p (Rm 334 B)
This class is for special needs parents or caregivers who are looking for knowledge in navigating everyday life and the future for their loved one. Each week will focus on a topic that our special needs families face (waiver programs, special education, transitional services, etc). An outstanding group of community resources from the Houston area will speak on each topic and answer personalized questions.
Wednesdays, Mar 26–May 7 @ 6:30–8p (Rm 336 A)
God’s Word offers examples of families who faced struggles, yet He remained faithful. From Adam and Eve navigating the brokenness caused by sin to Abraham and Sarah trusting God through infertility, the Bible reminds us that no family is perfect—but every family can find grace and purpose in God. This study is for parents who are tired, discouraged, or simply in need of encouragement to press on. Over the next six weeks, we will explore stories of biblical families, learn from their faith, and discover how God’s truth equips us to navigate parenting challenges today.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (5th Floor)
For Men Only: This is not just another study tool for men, but a tried and proven battle plan for purity in a lustful world. Success in the battle against sexual sin means arming yourself with the tools and strategies to help combat the traps that surround men every day. Designed around confidential small groups, you'll find acceptance, protection, and encouragement. The setting is casual. You will be going through a monthly curriculum consisting of DVDs, workbooks, and discussions.
Sundays, Feb 2–May 11 @ 4-5:30p (Rm 262)
An introductory class to developing a strong foundation for your personal relationship with God, led by table facilitators in a small group format. You will go through the fundamentals of discipleship, enriching Bible studies, scripture memorization, effective quiet time tools, and how to deepen your prayer life.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (4th Floor)
An introductory class to developing a strong foundation for your personal relationship with God, led by table facilitators in a small group format. You will go through the fundamentals of discipleship, enriching Bible studies, scripture memorization, effective quiet time tools, and how to deepen your prayer life.
Sundays, Feb 2–May 11 @ 4-5:30p (Rm 262)
Discipleship Essentials: Book 2 builds on the work accomplished in Book 1. You will learn ways to deepen your own Christian life, examine approaches for sharing your faith, and find fresh ways to experience an extended time alone with God.
NOTE: You must have completed Discipleship Essentials: Book 1 before taking the Book 2 class.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (4th Floor)
Discipleship Essentials: Book 2 builds on the work accomplished in Book 1. You will learn ways to deepen your own Christian life, examine approaches for sharing your faith, and find fresh ways to experience an extended time alone with God.
NOTE: You must have completed Discipleship Essentials: Book 1 before taking the Book 2 class.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (4th Floor)
In this third and final study in the series, you will continue to develop and strengthen your walk with Christ. You will discuss priorities for life management, learn a versatile tool for explaining the Gospel, and sharpen your own salvation testimony. Book three will help you combine the practices and knowledge gained in the first and second books.
You must have completed the Book 1 and Book 2 classes of Discipleship Essentials before taking the Book 3 class.
Sundays, Feb 2–May 11 @ 4-5:30p (Rm 262)
In this third and final study in the series, you will continue to develop and strengthen your walk with Christ. You will discuss priorities for life management, learn a versatile tool for explaining the Gospel, and sharpen your own salvation testimony. Book three will help you combine the practices and knowledge gained in the first and second books.
You must have completed the Book 1 and Book 2 classes of Discipleship Essentials before taking the Book 3 class.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 (Rm 263)
A caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.
Cost: $20 for workbook.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30–8p (Rm 312)
For Kids Ages 5-12: Divorce is hard on everyone. This class provides a way for your kids to process their journey.
Cost: $10 for workbook.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–Mar 5 @ 6:30-8p (Virtual)
For those exploring adoption and foster care, this course will allow you to hear testimonies from members of our church who have walked through the process of adoption and foster care, help you process your motivations and expectations and speak to the cost and other significant factors to consider. Course content is self, paced and all online.
Cost: $15 per family associated with registration.
Tuesdays, Jan 21–Mar 25 @ 12–1:15p (Rm 258)
Tuesdays, Jan 21–Mar 25 @ 6:15–7:30p (Rm 258)
For Women Only: Christ Centered health and wellness program to provide community and support for your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Bible Study will be Bible Study is Fit For A King by Debbie Behling.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–Mar 5 @ 6:30–8p (Rm 274)
Be anxious for nothing , but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving...With God as your helper and this verse at your side you can sleep better tonight and smile more tomorrow! Join us for a 45 minute fitness class and 45 minute Bible Study "Be Anxious for Nothing" by Max Lucado.
Women only.
Tuesdays, Jan 14–Mar 11 @ 10–11:30a (Fellowship Ctr)
Daniel is a book of purpose, prayer, and prophecy. In its day, it brought strength to those living in bondage and continues to bring hope to us today as we deal with struggles, sin, and finding meaning in life. Daniel also provides hope for the future when Jesus returns to reign on earth. Please join us for an exciting study that will highlight the promises of God you can trust in the present and the sovereignty of God for generations to come.
Tuesdays, Mar 25–May 6 @ 10a-11:30a (Fellowship Ctr)
Daniel is a book of purpose, prayer, and prophecy. In its day, it brought strength to those living in bondage and continues to bring hope to us today as we deal with struggles, sin, and finding meaning in life. Daniel also provides hope for the future when Jesus returns to reign on earth. Please join us for an exciting study that will highlight the promises of God you can trust in the present and the sovereignty of God for generations to come.
Monthly on Mondays @ 6:30 (Connection Center – Room 144)
Feb 3, Mar 3, Apr 7, May 5
Women only: Losing a baby - whether through miscarriage, still birth, or in some other tragic way – is heartbreaking. It is difficult and isolating to grieve a life barely lived. If you have lost an infant or young child, you are invited to join this monthly care group, “Joy Comes in the Mourning”. Together, we will process our pain and pave a way forward with God’s grace and hope. God promises he will turn our mourning into dancing and clothe us with joy (Psalm 30:11). Let’s claim that promise together!
Wednesdays, Mar 26–May 7 @ 6:30–8p (Rm 262)
Whether you're a new Christian or you've been a believer for years, this 6-week interactive Bible study will bring new light to your understanding of spiritual gifts – and new confidence in how to practically apply them in your life and ministry.
Join this lively discussion group and discover how to know and operate in the exciting gifts God wants to empower you with to further His kingdom!
Thursdays, Jan 23–Mar 6 @ 9-10a (Chapel)
Women only: Because of Who Jesus is, you can know who you are and what He’s calling you to do in every season of life. Whether you’re a recent graduate, working professional, busy mom, retiree, or in the twilight years of your life, you are a woman in process for whom God has big plans and promises. Step by step as you follow Jesus, He will transform every aspect of your life, from your heart’s deep desires to your daily tasks. In this 7-week session, we will study the Scriptures with the purpose of shaping and embracing our complete identity in Christ.
Tuesdays, Jan 14, Mar 18 & May 13 @ 6:30p (Rm 158)
For Men Only: Legacy 68:5 Dad's Club invites current and future Dads in our community to come for dinner, fellowship, and a word of encouragement. Our goal is to connect and equip you as foster, adoptive and kinship fathers by providing practical tools on relevant parenting topics unique to your journey.
Thursdays, Mar 20–May 1 @ 9-10a (Chapel)
Women Only: In our Bibles, we have four Gospels describing Jesus’s time on earth: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The land of Israel—the place Jesus walked and taught during His earthly ministry—is often referred to as the “fifth Gospel.” Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. This 7-session study will challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to key locations throughout Israel. Along the way, you'll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everyone.
Thursdays, @ 11:30a-12:30p (Rm 265)
Women only: Join us for a time of sharing and prayer, where we lift up our praise and petitions to the King of Glory.
Wednesdays, Jan 22–Apr 30 @ 9:30a (Fellowship Ctr)
MomCo is an organization that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church. This gathering is for mothers of children ages birth to kindergarten seeking to be equipped and encouraged in godly parenting.
Jan 16, Mar 18 & May 13 @ 7p (The Oaks)
For Women Only: MOTH is a part of the ministry of Legacy 68:5, seeking to equip, empower, and encourage foster and adoptive moms on their unique parenting journey. Join us each month for teaching, fellowship, and connection!
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (Chapel)
Exploring the Three Great Relationships God Calls Us to Purposefully and Passionately Pursue.
Cost: $5 for workbook
Monthly on Wednesdays, Feb 12–May 21 @ 11:30a-12:30p (Garden Room—158)
For Women Only: Polished exists for professional working women to be equipped and supported in integrating their faith in the workplace. During this monthly luncheon, you will have the opportunity to network with other professional women, grow spiritually, and hear from speakers on biblical topics that will equip you to be a strong, confident follower of Jesus in and out of the office.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (Rm 143)
See precisely what the Bible says about heroes of faith like Abraham, Moses, David, and the prophets and how Jesus is the perfect example of faith.
Without faith it is impossible to please God. So what is faith? Where do I get it? And what does it look like lived out in my life? This study of Hebrews 11–13 will answer these questions and more, encouraging you to fix your eyes on Jesus and run with endurance to the finish line.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–Mar 5 @ 6:30-8p (Rm 252)
For Men Only: Roles of a Man (ROAM) is a study exploring four key principles of biblical manhood. ROAM focuses on God's expectations and responsibilities for each man (whether married or single). Through the weekly interactive lessons, each man will discover God’s clear call for a life of purpose, worship, and service.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (Rm 248)
No parent expects to make his or her child's funeral arrangements. Join this group of mothers on a journey toward spiritual growth and healing.
This class will start over with a new group after the first 6 week session.
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (Rm 253/254)
ReEngage brings couples together to learn about God’s design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship.
ReEngage is for one man, one woman couples who are married (in other words, this is not for seriously dating, engaged, or cohabitating couples). Previously married couples who are separated or divorced and are considering reconciliation are encouraged to attend as well.
Wednesdays, Mar 26–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (Rm 252)
Renew: Preparing for Life Changes is an interactive small group opportunity for women in their 60s and 70s. We'll explore how to prepare mentally, spiritually and physically for the coming years.arried couples who are separated or divorced and are considering reconciliation are encouraged to attend as well.
Every Other Monday, Jan 27–Apr 14 @ 6:30–8p (Room 144)
For Women Only: An infertility support group that exists to walk alongside women struggling with grief of infertility, miscarriage or waiting to adopt.
Thursdays, Jan 9–May 1 @ 6:30-7:30a (Rm 158)
For Men Only: Warrior's Heart is a weekly bible study for men in the Garden Room of the Loop Campus of Houston's First Baptist Church. We will have a short teaching time each week followed by real conversations around tables in a relaxed atmosphere. While men are encouraged to come weekly, it is not a requirement of the study. Join us (and bring a friend if you like) and start your day with focus and encouragement!
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-10p (Gym)
Join us Wednesday Nights for Open Gym Volleyball—a vibrant blend of sport, faith, and fellowship. Each session kicks off with prayer and a devotional, grounding us in Christ while helping develop a community spirit. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, come enjoy a fun, competitive environment where spiritual growth in Christ and camaraderie come together. Connect, play, and grow with us!
For 18 and up only
Wednesdays, Jan 29–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (Harbor Room—179)
A 11-course series based on the life of Joseph
Class taught in Spanish
Wednesdays, Mar 26–May 7 @ 6:30-8p (334 B)
How does taking up our cross after Christ relate to our daily lives? As we grow in discipleship, we become more like Christ and become a living testimony of His work on the cross. By surrendering our desires to Him and being diligent in spiritual disciplines, we witness to the heart and character of Jesus.
We will explore how following Christ in the Greatest Commandment to love and the Great Commission to disciple others involves self-denial and a proper perspective on joy and suffering for daily endurance."
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