Gather at The Loop on Sundays on campus or online at 9:30a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.

Other Resources

Grow @ Home

Grow@Home is a churchwide commitment to encourage spiritual growth at home. Spiritual training at home and regular attendance at Life Bible Study and Milestones at Houston’s First lay the foundation for a deep and lasting faith. Our goal is to aid families in becoming the primary disciplemakers of their children. To view upcoming Grow@Home classes, events, and resources, visit our Grow@Home page.

RightNow Media

RightNow Media allows members to access over 10,000 Christian videos from any device that has internet access. Live online streaming of small group studies for home, office or school as well as great children's videos. To learn more and join Right Now Media free of charge, visit our RightNow Media page.

Business Directory

Houston's First has partnered with Kingdom Press to provide a valuable resource for our church family — the Houston's First Baptist Church Business Directory. To view or submit a business to be listed, visit our Business Directory page.

Church Conference Minutes

The monthly Church Conference provides members with church financial and membership reports, as well as other information as necessary. Anybody may attend the Church Conferences, but only individuals who are members of Houston's First may vote on matters as presented. Find minutes from previous Church Conferences here.
