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Grow AT Home

Parent Resources

... a churchwide commitment to encourage spiritual growth at home.

As parents, the combination of discipleship at church AND in the home, is essential to us raising kids ready to launch into the adult world. And that’s our goal – to help you prepare your child to LAUNCH well!

The Home


Parents loving, communicating, and teaching their kids to follow Jesus as they follow Jesus.

The Church


Age-graded ministries loving, communicating, and teaching kids to follow Jesus in a way that reflects discipleship at home.

We want to assist parents in the process of disciple-making.So, we have designed Celebrations, Experiences and Tools to help parents disciple at each stage of the journey.

Grow AT Home Celebrations

Events that celebrate the impact of growth at church and in the home.

Parent Commitment (infants through 12 months)

First Grade Bible Presentation (kids entering 1st grade)

Welcome to the HUB - 5th Grade Launch (kids entering 6th grade)

Senior Celebration (graduating high school seniors)

Parent Path Classes

The Parent Path and Fun for your Family

Below you will find information about Parent Path classes that happen each semester. To reward your family for their intentionality, we have some special awards which you will receive after the completion of your First Class, Two Consecutive Classes, Four Core Classes in an age-level (Preschool, Children or Students) or all 14 Core Classes from Preschool through to Students. So, if you complete a class, be watching to receive something fun in the mail.

So, pick out a class, Grow AT Home and watch for a great award in the mail.

Note: Only 1 award per family per class. Families can only complete classes (for awards) in the age group of their children.

MamaBear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies

(Parents of Preschoolers)
Every Wed, Jan 24–Feb 28 @ 6:30-7:30p - Rm 336A

In today’s culture, so many lies constantly masquerade as truth in media, conversations, and our own minds. Using the book Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer, we’ll navigate these waters and discover ways to equip you to teach your kids how to form their own biblical beliefs about what is true and what is false. Learn from real-life examples, gain practical tips, and build community with other parents so you can effectively train your kids to engage today’s issues head-on, with gentleness and respect.

Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child to a Biblical Worldview

(Parents of Children)
Every Wed, Apr 3–May 8 @ 6:30–8p - Rm 336A
Led by Bill Emeott

A person’s worldview (the intellect, emotional, and spiritual filter applied to every situation) is mostly set by age 13. Being intentional about teaching your child to view the world through the lens of the Bible is perhaps the most important job of any parent. Join us for a deeper understanding and to learn tips, tools, and strategies for instilling a biblical worldview in your child’s heart.

Christ-Centered Parenting Through Complex Cultural Issues

(Parents of Students — Grades 6-12)
Every Wed, Jan 24–Feb 28 @ 6:30–8p - Rm 334A
Led by HUB Staff

How do you keep the Gospel in the center of your parenting in a diverse culture? Gather with other parents to learn and encourage one another on how to navigate culturally sensitive issues with a Gospel focus. Topics to be covered such as human dignity, identity, sexuality, relationships, and technology.

Seminars and Conferences

ReFuel Conference

Sat, Oct 19, 2024 @ The Loop Campus Worship Center

This morning conference for parents, grandparents, or anyone wanting to invest in families will feature Dr. Josh and Christi Straub from Famous at Home.

See more about their ministry HERE.

More info coming soon!

Grow AT Home Experiences

One-day or weekend events designed for parents to teach a value (service, purity, responsibility, etc.) in a way that is interactive and fun.

Here’s our TOP Five list of how to start making disciples of your child:

  1. Use dinner time to pray and to talk about spiritual things.
  2. Encourage them to read their Bible (or read to them) each day and plan a weekly time to discuss what your family is learning.
  3. Ask how you can pray for them and then do!
  4. Encourage them to talk about their faith as part of their everyday experiences.
  5. Fall in love with Jesus yourself and share that experience with your son or daughter.

Imago Dei Resources

Imago Dei – or “Image of God” refers to the creation of each human being in the likeness or “image” of God (Gen. 1:27). An understanding of Imago Dei allows us to love others and see them as God sees them. Loving our neighbor regardless of their race, nationality, language, income, political views, or any other thing that divides us is essential to living out the Christian walk in our current culture.

He [Jesus] answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Luke 10:27

We believe an accurate Biblical Worldview involves teaching our kids to love others well regardless of the differences between us.

Below you will find resources for teaching your kids to love well.

More resources coming soon!

For more information about our church is doing to promote unity and loving others well, click here.

Resources in Corner Books

Each of our NextGen ministries have recommended resources available for you to review and purchase in Corner Books. Just look for the Gas Pump!
