Memorial Woods Drive will be closed due to road construction on Sunday. All on-site lots are open, but please expect a modified traffic pattern and possible congestion getting in and out of campus on Sunday morning.
Avoid traffic congestion by parking at the MarqE (across I-10) and riding the shuttle door-to-door.
See a map of routes and parking options here.


Our Signature Statement

Houston's First Baptist Church is a relevant biblical community where people gather their hearts, grow their souls, and give their lives as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission.

Nice words, right? But what do they mean? Glad you asked. Our signature statement includes our vision and mission as a church, the strategy by which we pursue them:

Our Vision

"... a relevant biblical community ..."

Relevant — Being relevant is having the passion, desire and ability to build the necessary bridges to move people from culture to Christ.

Biblical — Being biblical is fully embracing the beliefs and values revealed in the Bible as true, eternal and life-changing.

Community — Being a community is providing a place to be authentic, involved, impacted and impactful.

Our Mission

"... to fulfill the Great Commission."

The Great Commission given by Jesus to His disciples is found in Matthew 18:19-20. He gave them these words after His resurrection and before He ascended into heaven: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

Our Strategy

A church our size has a lot to offer. In fact, there's so much going on, we realize it can be difficult finding the right place for you or your family. (It's even hard for us sometimes!) That's why we've based our ministry around a three-part strategy:

Gathering Our Hearts

Worship services and special events are the primary ways the church family gathers our hearts together. Coming together like this reveals the beauty and diversity of God's children. No two people are exactly the same! And when we gather our hearts to praise Him or simply have a good time, there is room for everybody!

Growing Our Souls

Life Bible Studies and Milestones Classes are our main vehicles for growing our souls closer to God. They provide a place for us to explore the beauty and mystery of God's Word. But that's not all! These smaller settings open the door for discussion with others as we seek to apply what we read in the Bible to our daily lives. And since that's not always easy, you'll appreciate having friends to walk through that process with you!

Giving Our Lives

A soul growing closer to God simply cannot contain itself. Eventually, it will need to find a release. It will need something to do with the abundant love, grace, life, peace, joy, hope, mercy, forgiveness, redemption, well ... you get the idea ... that it's received from the Creator of the Universe. Missions and volunteering are just two such outlets.

Not Just Sundays

The Loop campus on the corner of the Katy Freeway and the West 610 Loop is just a building – thousands of square feet of concrete and brick. Our intention is to use every square inch. We think our facility is pretty sweet, so we want it open and accessible to our community. We even consider it an opportunity to bless our city with gathering space, free coffee, free wireless internet and lots of comfortable seats. Come hang out with friends, practice your bowling skills, shoot some hoops, explore the bookstore, or even for a quiet place to read or pray in the library during the week.

Wednesday Evenings

There is more to Houston’s First than what goes on on Sundays! Join the Houston’s First family each spring and fall semester for MidLink — the overall name for everything that goes on on Wednesday nights at our campuses.
