Gather at The Loop on Sundays on campus or online at 9:30a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.

Off-Site Parking

Lp Parking 2025 03

Marq*E Entertainment Center

  • Located across I-10 from Houston's First
  • Available levels may change — following the signs accordingly!
  • Board the shuttle by designated "Shuttle Stop" signage between the garage and the back side of the entertainment center
  • Shuttles run from 6:30a to 2p
  • Shuttles drop off and pick up at the Garden Room entrance

701 N. Post Oak (Lafayette Garage)

  • Located behind the 701 N. Post Oak office building
  • Park on either the lower or upper levels, except in "No Parking" areas
  • Walk to the church across the south parking lot

Forum Garage

  • Located behind The Forum tower (to the left of The Forum on the map above)
  • Park on only the roof
  • Exit the garage using the stairs or elevator facing The Forum tower
  • Walk to the church across the south parking lot

What about the other NPO garages?

Some of our faithful shuttle parkers might remember parking in garages at the 710 and 710 N. Post Oak office buildings on the other side of the street from the church. Due to the new METRORapid lanes down the middle of N. Post Oak, these garages are no longer an option for us. You can still use the 701 N. Post Oak and Forum garages, both accessible from N. Post Oak.

A mission field across the street

On Sunday mornings, members and regular attenders of Houston's First are asked to use shuttle parking locations so first time guests and those with physical limitations can park on campus. This simple act of making room for more people to attend our church is one of the most simple yet impactful ways you can help spread the Gospel message. Consider shuttle parking a mission field with no passport required!
