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World Mission Offering Results

May 02, 2023

We did it again, Houston's First family!

Once again, the Houston's First family came together to show our church's support for missionaries who are sharing the Good News of Jesus in Texas, the United States, and around the world — and we surpassed our goal!

The World Mission Offering — given beyond our regular tithes and commitments to Kainos — is an annual offering received by the church. Our goal in 2023 was $1,900,000 with the funds to be given as follows to these organizations:

  • International Mission Board$1,000,000
  • North American Mission Board$800,000
  • Southern Baptists of Texas Convention$100,000

When the donations were tallied, the total came to $1,906,067.17! Those funds came from 1,598 donors (individuals, couples, or families) — and that includes 154 first-time givers who had never given to Houston's First before!

Houston's First raised over $1,900,000 to support missionaries through the World Mission Offering!

— Houston's First

Beyond the WMO

The World Mission Offering is just one way that Houston's First supports missionaries and missional endeavors throughout the year. Here are a few of the other ways our church family is committed to advancing the Good News:
  • Our two-year Kainos initiative (Dec 2021-Dec 2023) includes $11,350,000 for missional endeavors, including projects related to:
    • Our Faith Centers in the Houston area
    • Church planting in South Asia
    • Strategy funding for IMB in South Asia
    • Orphans and vulnerable children in USA and Africa
    • Missionary care
    • Church revitalization efforts
    • Church plants in strategic US cities
    • Bible translations
    • Enabling new ministry concepts
  • The Great Commission Fund (our annual operating budget) has $4,500,000 designated for Missions thanks to the ongoing generosity of the Houston's First family.
  • Between $10,000,000-$12,000,000 is processed by our Missions team on an annual basis, including budgeted funds as well as designated donations such as contributions raised by members of our short-term mission trips.
  • In 2023, Houston's First is sending nearly 30 teams on short-term mission trips to seven countries on five continents — Costa Rica, England, Kenya, the Middle East, South Asia, Spain, and the USA. In the USA, teams will travel to 11 different cities.
  • Houston's First supports over 100 family units serving as missionaries in nearly 40 countries around the world.
  • Our Missionary Care team trains church members on how to serve as Missionary Care Contacts, connecting members, families, and Life Bible Studies with missionaries so they can provide them with prayer, connection, and encouragement.
  • Our Missionary Care team also supports global workers through international and local retreats, counseling and debriefing, housing and transportation needs for returned workers, and Home Group — a Bible study for returned workers in a small setting in the Houston area.


Year-End Giving

On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!

"My Life Verse"

What to Expect When You're an Expectant Parent

Moved by Faith

Overcoming Obstacles

Day of Pentecost

Year-End Giving

On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation
