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Keep Walking

Praying for Patience? Think Again

David Self – Jun 06, 2021

Dr. David Self shares a story of how his dad learned that he didn’t need to pray for patience.

Message Details

This clip was taken from the message on Sun, June 6 called “Persevere through Pressure”. You can find the full message here.

Messages from this Series

Persevering as a People

Persevere in the Present

Persevere in the Present (The5)

The Perseverance of Parenting

Persevere in the Pain

Persevere through Pressure

Persevere Through Pressure (The5)

Persevering as a People

Persevere in the Present

Persevere in the Present (The5)

The Perseverance of Parenting

Persevere in the Pain

Persevere through Pressure

Persevere Through Pressure (The5)

Recent Series