Gather at our Sienna Campus on Sundays at 9a and 10:45a or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.

Path of Discipleship

Next Steps

  1. You have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior — Discover Christ
  2. You have been baptized and have made Houston's First your church — Explore Membership
  3. Now that you're here, what's next?

Join a weekly bible study

We believe that each member should have a regular weekly place of growth. At Houston's First, we call our weekly, year-round studies Life Bible Studies. See below for more information.

Life Bible Studies Ministries

Find your place to serve

Looking to serve, but don't know where your place is? We offer a free online spiritual gifts assessment which will enable us to guide you in volunteering, missions, and ministry placement.

Spiritual Gifts Assessment Volunteer Opportunities Interest Form

Give your life away through missions

We believe that each member is called to make disciples, carry the name of Jesus to the ends of the earth and do justice in dark places. Learn how to give your life away through missions


Share your story and the Gospel

We believe that each member should be equipped to share their story of how they came to Christ and the good news of the Gospel. Contact us for information on classes and resources.

Tell Your Story

Pray without ceasing

Have a prayer request? Use our prayer form or our message system in the lower right corner of our website. You can also call our Prayer Line at 713.335.6456. Are you interested in serving in any of the church’s prayer initiatives? See below.

Send Prayer Request Volunteer on Prayer Team
