Gather at our Sienna Campus on Sundays at 9a and 10:45a or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p.
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Bookstore & Library



We like everything about coffee: the aroma, the taste, and the way it goes with just about any good book. We brew our own coffee to give you the best coffee experience. It’s high quality and brewed fresh several times a day. Our signature flavor, Texas Pecan, is available for purchase in convenient one-pound bags to brew at home.

Free WiFi

Like the air we breathe, so too is the wireless world. We think it should be free of it is at CornerBooks. Help yourself!


When you walk into CornerBooks, we want you to see, smell, and hear things in a new way. One of the key elements of your experience is the music we play. Our special blend of styles and artists will enhance your visit and possibly lead you to discover some new tunes.
