Gather at our Sienna Campus on Sundays at 9a and 10:45a or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p.
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Missions Launch

Oct 30, 2016

The Houston's First family has a heart for missions here at home and around the world. As Pastor Gregg Matte reminds us, when it comes to missions are options are to go, give, pray — or disobey. Followers of Jesus are called to spread His message, and there are many ways that each of us can be involved.

In November 2016, we're looking ahead to our short-term trips in 2017, kicking off our annual World Mission Offering and hosting a training event to prepare men to serve our community when disaster strikes next. These are just a few of the opportunities Houston's First offers for you to be involved in a global movement to spread the love and truth of Jesus!

2017 Mission Trips

Short-term teams from Houston's First will share the Good News of Jesus Christ in 21 different countries on five continents in 2017. Where is God calling you to make a difference? available opportunities and start the process of joining a team.

World Mission Offering

Received from November-January, the World Mission Offering is given beyond our regular tithes to support missionaries serving around the globe. Last year, the Houston's First family gave $1.15 million to the cause, with funds going to the International Mission Board, North American Mission Board and Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. Give online now or by using dedicated envelopes at each campus.

Disaster Relief Training

The Men's Ministry of Houston's First is partnering with Texas Baptist Men to provide a one-day Disaster Relief Training so that men from our church are prepared to serve our community when disaster strikes. The training takes place on Sat, Nov 19, at The Loop Campus and is open to men ages 15 and above — whether they attend Houston's First or not. Learn more and register for this important event today.


On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!

"My Life Verse"

What to Expect When You're an Expectant Parent

Moved by Faith

Overcoming Obstacles

World Mission Offering Results

Day of Pentecost

On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!
