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Differencemakers 2016

Be a Differencemaker!

Gregg Matte – Jun 05, 2016

Pastor Gregg Matte teaches from Psalm 79:13 on being a Differencemaker. Differencemakers are pleased to be His people and have a security knowing we belong to Christ. Differencemakers are grateful, therefore usable. The tough times will come but there is a gratitude knowing Christ can work all things together for good. And Differencemakers declare praise to future generations. Our Jesus story is not one to keep to ourselves, but to share the Hope we have in Jesus with those young and old! How can you be a Differencemaker?

Message Details

Gregg Matte

About the Speaker

Gregg Matte is the senior pastor of Houston’s First Baptist Church. Under his leadership, this historic church founded in 1841 has moved... read more

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Be a Differencemaker!

Be a Differencemaker!

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