David Self – Jan 03, 2016
Dr. David Self continues the Differencemakers series and finishes up the study in Isaiah. In the New Year, we are challenged to Act justly, Love faithfully, and Walk humbly.
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Renewal, Spiritual Growth
Culture, Purpose, Salvation
God's Character, Holidays, Prophecy, Salvation
Culture, God's Character, Holidays, Prophecy, Spiritual Growth
Holidays, Hope, Prophecy, Renewal
God's Character, Prophecy, Spiritual Growth
Renewal, Salvation
Difficult Season, Prophecy, Salvation, Sin
Character, Prophecy, Self Image
God's Character, Salvation, Spiritual Growth
Character, Perseverance, Renewal
God's Character, Grace, Spiritual Growth
Obedience, Outreach, Spiritual Growth
Difficult Season, Spiritual Growth
God's Character, Sin, Spiritual Growth
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