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Differencemakers: Isaiah

Be It Resolved That...

David Self – Jan 03, 2016

Dr. David Self continues the Differencemakers series and finishes up the study in Isaiah. In the New Year, we are challenged to Act justly, Love faithfully, and Walk humbly.

Messages from this Series

Be It Resolved That...

Why Was Jesus Born?

Jesus is the Perfect Gift

Differencemakers of Christmas - Part 2: The Jesse Tree Blooms

Differencemakers of Christmas - Part 1: Live Again

Unstoppable Gospel: His Ways Are Higher

Unstoppable Gospel Satisfies!

Unstoppable Gospel (Part 2)

Unstoppable Gospel (Part 1)

Greatness of God is My Greatest Resource

Trust More, Do Less

The God of the Universe and Little Ol' Me

4 Steps of a DifferenceMaker (Part 2)

Trusting God Under Pressure

4 Steps of a DifferenceMaker (Part 1)

Live Heart Healthy

Be It Resolved That...

Why Was Jesus Born?

Jesus is the Perfect Gift

Differencemakers of Christmas - Part 2: The Jesse Tree Blooms

Differencemakers of Christmas - Part 1: Live Again

Unstoppable Gospel: His Ways Are Higher

Unstoppable Gospel Satisfies!

Unstoppable Gospel (Part 2)

Unstoppable Gospel (Part 1)

Greatness of God is My Greatest Resource

Trust More, Do Less

The God of the Universe and Little Ol' Me

4 Steps of a DifferenceMaker (Part 2)

Trusting God Under Pressure

4 Steps of a DifferenceMaker (Part 1)

Live Heart Healthy

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