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Life of David | Part One: Unlikely

Becoming a Person after God’s Own Heart

Stephen Trammell – Sep 05, 2021

If you want to become a person after God’s own heart, there are habits you can pursue to move in that direction. Whatever you give your life to habitually is what you’ll become, and what you are becoming has eternal implications. Pursue God and His will above all else, and know that God will meet just where you are on your journey.

Messages from this Series

Becoming a Person after God’s Own Heart

Four Attributes of God-Honoring Friendships

Unlikely Trial, Unlikely Teacher, Unlikely Timing

Unlikely Trial, Unlikely Teacher, Unlikely Timing (The5)

The Bigger They are the Harder They Fall

The Choosing of David

Becoming a Person after God’s Own Heart

Four Attributes of God-Honoring Friendships

Unlikely Trial, Unlikely Teacher, Unlikely Timing

Unlikely Trial, Unlikely Teacher, Unlikely Timing (The5)

The Bigger They are the Harder They Fall

The Choosing of David

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