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The Acts: Journ3y

Part 2: Epic Battle of Satan and Jesus

Gregg Matte – Feb 16, 2014

Pastor Gregg Matte teaches from Acts 19 that Evil and Satan are real and active. As Christians in the battle of good vs. evil, we don’t fight FOR victory –We fight FROM victory, the victory of Jesus on the Cross.

Message Details

Gregg Matte

About the Speaker

Gregg Matte is the senior pastor of Houston’s First Baptist Church. Under his leadership, this historic church founded in 1841 has moved... read more

Messages from this Series

Part 4: Living A Life Of Legacy

Part 5: Cry or Rely? How to Face Challenges

Part 3: God’s Winding and Stoney Road

Part 2: Epic Battle of Satan and Jesus

Part 1: Difficult Passages

Acts Overview: Living Right in a Culture Gone Wrong

Part 4: Living A Life Of Legacy

Part 5: Cry or Rely? How to Face Challenges

Part 3: God’s Winding and Stoney Road

Part 2: Epic Battle of Satan and Jesus

Part 1: Difficult Passages

Acts Overview: Living Right in a Culture Gone Wrong

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