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Revelation - to the Church...

Revelation: To the Church at Ephesus

Gregg Matte – Oct 11, 2020

Through a look at the church of Ephesus, we see a body of believers who resisted evil and endured hardship, but they lost their first love. Have you lost your first love? Know that he has not lost you, and He loves you. Let’s remember, let’s repent, and let’s repeat what we did at first.

Message Details

Gregg Matte

About the Speaker

Gregg Matte is the senior pastor of Houston’s First Baptist Church. Under his leadership, this historic church founded in 1841 has moved... read more

Messages from this Series

To the Church ... at Laodicea

To the Church ... at Philadelphia

To The Church… – Part 3

To the Church… – Part 2

Revelation: To the Church at Ephesus

To the Church ... at Laodicea

To the Church ... at Philadelphia

To The Church… – Part 3

To the Church… – Part 2

Revelation: To the Church at Ephesus

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