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Life of David | Part Two: Powerful

Victorious Living Comes from The Heart

Houston's First – Sep 19, 2021

Zac Hufty, Cypress Campus Minister of Campus Development, shares how victorious living comes from the heart.

This clip was taken from the message on Sun, Sep 19 called “David’s Battles: Fulfilled Prophecy and Future Promises”. You can find the full message here.

Messages from this Series

Nathan Confronts David

Nathan Confronts David (The5)

A Night of Passion Becomes a Life of Pain

David’s Battles: Fulfilled Prophecy and Future Promises

David’s Battles: Fulfilled Prophecy and Future Promises (The5)

From Shepherd to King

Nathan Confronts David

Nathan Confronts David (The5)

A Night of Passion Becomes a Life of Pain

David’s Battles: Fulfilled Prophecy and Future Promises

David’s Battles: Fulfilled Prophecy and Future Promises (The5)

From Shepherd to King

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