Memorial Woods Drive will be closed due to road construction on Sunday. All on-site lots are open, but please expect a modified traffic pattern and possible congestion getting in and out of campus on Sunday morning.
Avoid traffic congestion by parking at the MarqE (across I-10) and riding the shuttle door-to-door.
See a map of routes and parking options here.

Special Needs

Thru the Roof

Ministering to Those With Special Needs

We believe it is all part of God’s plan to care, love and welcome children and adults with special needs into our church fellowship and community. Therefore, we consider it a privilege to offer Life Bible Study classes, buddies for children, a well trained staff of volunteers and caring individuals to make Sunday the best day of the week for your family member.

Thru the Roof is the Special Needs Ministry of Houston’s First Baptist Church at The Loop campus. Switch to viewing The Loop Campus pages and Learn More
