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Multi-Cultural Church Services

The Loop,Missions

How can I serve?

If you have never experienced a service in another language, or have a heart for Hispanic, Laotian or Korean congregations, join us in worship and Bible study. Help us find creative ways to assist these churches in growing God's Kingdom.

  • Hispanic Congregation: Iglesia Bautista Casa de Dios, Pastor Steve Moreno
  • English Speaking Congregation: Long Point Baptist Church, Pastor Bobby Delgado
  • Laotian Congregation: First Baptist Lao Mission Church, Pastor Paul Phothisane
  • Korean Congregation: God’s Dream Church, Pastor Stephen Kim


If you have never experienced a service in another language, or have a heart for Hispanic, Laotian or Korean congregations, join us in worship and Bible study. Help us find creative ways to assist these churches in growing God's Kingdom.

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