Gather with Houston's First online at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p each Sunday.
Find streaming links and on-campus schedules at each of our four campuses when you PLAN YOUR VISIT

The HUB MidLink Volunteers


Each week, we have about 30 students, both middle school and high school, come to take part in our programming. We need additional volunteers to help lead groups, work in our cafe, assist in leading games, and help follow up with visitors who come. Be a DIFFERENCEMAKER and invest into our next generation of leaders!


Spend this semester serving during MidLink, investing into the lives of students. The HUB guides lonely and disconnected teenagers through a 4 part strategy that helps students find connection, value, & purpose. Our Wednesday programming is the first part of that strategy and is our most consistent outreach focused program.

  • When Wednesdays during MidLink
  • Where Sienna Campus
  • AreaSienna, Students
  • PassionMentoring, Teaching, Helping, Leading
  • SkillsetTeaching, Mentoring, Encouraging
Get Involved

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