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Converts vs Disciples

Sn On Mission Header 2024
Converts are believers who live like the world.
Disciples are believers who live like Jesus.
Converts are focused on their interests, worries, fears, and priorities.
Disciples are focused on Jesus.
Converts go to church sometimes.
Disciples are the church always.
Converts are involved in the mission of God.
Disciples are committed to the mission of God.
Converts cheer from the sidelines.
Disciples are active participants in the game
Converts hear the word of God.
Disciples apply the word of God to their lives.
Converts follow the rules.
Disciples follow Jesus.
Converts are all about believing.
Disciples are all about being.
Converts embrace being comfortable.
Disciples embrace making sacrifices.
Converts talk about how important discipleship is.
Disciples make more disciples.