Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth.
— A. W. Tozer
If you’re like me, there are aspects of how you live your life that you want to improve — especially in your relationship with Jesus. It can be easy to become content with how things might be, so much so that we might not even realize that there is room for growth! Working against us are cultural norms, peer pressure, bad habits — or simply a lack of encouragement to take the next step toward making a change.
Well, Houston’s First wants to be that source of encouragement. From October through Easter in late April, we’re providing helpful resources related to a different spiritual discipline each month. The goal of this intentional focus — called InnerChange — is to deepen our faith by incorporating practices that will turn our attention to Him and align our hearts with His.
As followers of Christ, let’s commit to never becoming complacent with where we are in our relationship with our Savior. If you do not already know Jesus, I invite you to ask questions and seek answers here at Houston’s First. Take a step toward making the greatest inner-change you could ever make — giving your life to Jesus Christ.
In Him,
Pastor Gregg Matte
Be Still (Oct) • Be Thankful (Nov) • Be Together (Dec)
Be Prayerful (Jan) • Be Generous (Feb) • Be Selfless (Mar)
In the minutes of that founding meeting, those original members noted they had gathered “for the purpose of forming an evangelistic church.” Evangelistic! Their focus then continues to be our focus now — to tell others about the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
In Him,
Pastor Gregg Matte
Below are some ways you can be evangelistic:
Pray for God to give you a burden for people who do not know Jesus as their savior. Ask Him to open your eyes to recognize who they are, and for the Holy Spirit to guide you from there.
We want to hear your suggestions for how to develop or demonstrate an evangelistic approach to the world. Share your ideas with us using the short form below.
Here are some reminders as you guide children and students toward developing an evangelistic lifestyle:
Christians have the best news to tell, and the world needs to hear it. What if you were the one to share it with somebody for the first time? MercyMe sings about the "Best News Ever" here:
Need help choosing your campus? Email us or call 713.264.4300.