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NextGen Ministries

The Next Generations Ministry brings together Preschool, Children and Student Ministries to accomplish three things:

  1. Smooth transitions from one stage to the next for parents and children.
  2. Aligned values and purposes that promote synergy between the stages of childhood to provide a better relationship between church and home.
  3. Focused energy on supporting and equipping parents to disciple well.

What to Expect

Update Family/Student information

Volunteer with NextGen Ministries!

Grow @ Home

Churchwide commitment to encourage spiritual growth at home.

Spiritual training at home and regular attendance at Life Bible Study and Milestones at Houston’s First lay the foundation for a deep and lasting faith. The goal of NextGen Ministry is to aid families in becoming the primary disciplemakers of their children.

Grow @ Home Parent Resources

Meet Our Staff

NextGen Team
Fraisy George

Fraisy George

Director of Preschool & Kindergarten
Tyler Scott

Tyler Scott

Minister to Children
Mark Cox

Mark Cox

Minister to Students
Fraisy George

Fraisy George

Director of Preschool & Kindergarten
Tyler Scott

Tyler Scott

Minister to Children
Mark Cox

Mark Cox

Minister to Students