We know it’s not easy to parent children today, but we also know that God has hard-wired kids to be in uenced by their parents. We hope that you are taking advantage of this in uence by being a disciple-maker of your son or daughter in his or her walk with God. Here’s our TOP FIVE list of how to start making a disciple of your child:
Grow@Home is a church-wide commitment to encourage spiritual growth at home. Spiritual training at home and regular attendance at Life Bible Study and Milestones at Houston’s First lay the foundation for a deep and lasting faith. The goal of NextGen Ministry is to aid families in becoming the primary disciplemakers of their children. Visit our Grow@Home page for more information
Are you looking to Volunteer with First Friends? Please visit our NextGen Volunteers page to access Applications, Online Background Check, and Child Protection Training.
Need help choosing your campus? Email us or call 713.264.4300.