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Legacy 68:5 Indirect Care Volunteers

The Loop,Missions

The work of caring for the orphaned and vulnerable is beautiful but also difficult. This ministry is particularly susceptible to secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. Legacy 68:5 volunteers seek to sustain foster and adoptive families as they journey to build deep healing connections. Only through a diverse team of volunteers can we meet these goals. Some common indirect care needs include prayer partners, writing notes of encouragement, or lawn care.


The work of caring for the orphaned and vulnerable is beautiful but also difficult. This ministry is particularly susceptible to secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. Legacy 68:5 volunteers seek to sustain foster and adoptive families as they journey to build deep healing connections. Only through a diverse team of volunteers can we meet these goals. Some common indirect care needs include prayer partners, writing notes of encouragement, or lawn care.

  • When
  • AreaThe Loop, Missions

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