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Renee Johnson

Renee Johnson

Director of Preschool

Renee began serving as Preschool Ministry Director at Houston’s First Baptist Church —Cypress in March 2020. Before serving in this role, she had the opportunity to work part-time with Preschool and Children’s Ministry, first as an Employed Teacher for 3 years and then as Ministry Childcare Coordinator for 3.5 years. Before serving at Houston’s First, Renee was a stay at home mom. She has a degree in Music Education from Sam Houston State University and was a middle school orchestra director prior to having children.

Renee and her husband Kyle, an administrator in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD, married in 2005. Together with their children they have been attending Houston’s First Cypress Campus since the first Sunday it launched. They are so very grateful for the years they’ve spent learning and growing at Houston’s First and consider it an honor and a privilege to serve God side by side with their Houston’s First Cypress family!

Throughout the years Renee and Kyle have enjoyed serving in many ways at Houston's First Cypress Campus; Kyle and Renee are the directors of the Life Bible Study Kindred. They have facilitated Financial Peace University during MidLink, and Renee has served as a financial consultant through the Houston’s First Financial Consulting Ministry. They have hosted an exchange student from Spain through our mission partner Crossroads Global Initiative, and served at HUB Student Ministry events. The Johnsons also have served together in Preschool and Children’s Ministry and with our ministry partner, The Mansions, through GO Houston and Christmas at the Mansions.

In their free time, the Johnsons love to be outdoors and are always up for an adventure, especially if it means a road trip! Some of their favorite family memories are of camping, hiking, fishing, kayaking, and swimming.
