Mr. Webster defines a proverb as “a short well-known saying containing a wise thought.” The book of Proverbs in the Old Testament is filled with such sayings — but unlike some advice the world offers, these are backed by God’s power and eternal truth. In this message series, Pastor Gregg Matte looks at what Proverbs says about topics relevant to us today and how God’s wisdom provides answers we often seek.
Messages • Daily Wisdom (reading plan) • Ask The Pastor (submit questions)
Here are Pastor Gregg's messages and selected excerpts from the Seven Pillars of Proverbs series. You can always find these and other messages on our media page, on our Houston's First Baptist Church app, and on iTunes.
View other messages in the Seven Pillars of Proverbs message series
Throughout the Seven Pillars of Proverbs series, Pastor Gregg is asking the Houston's First family to read the book on their own. Set time aside each day to read that day's assigned chapter and ask God to speak to you directly — revealing truth and wisdom along the way.
Download this one-page calendar (PDF) listing each day's reading for Apr 16 through May 25.
To receive reminders each weekday about that day's reading, text PROVERBS to 81411. We'll send daily reminders with links to the full chapter each weekday through Fri, May 25.
Search #HFBCDailyWisdom for shareable posts each weekday on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram — then share them to spread the wisdom of Proverbs among your friends and followers.
What questions might you have about the topics we'll address during the Seven Pillars of Proverbs series? Well, go ahead and ask them!
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