Gather at our Sienna Campus on Sundays at 9a and 10:45a or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p. Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.
Being a citizen of the United States affords us a right that is envied by many in the world — the right to vote. As Christians, we often discuss the stewardship of resources. But have you ever thought of the stewardship of your vote?
Your vote is a precious resource provided through the sacrifices of other Americans through wars, legislation, trials, and tears. It is not to be taken lightly. We have an honor and the privilege to vote. May these 6 P's help you steward your vote well.
Pray each day for your city, state, and nation until Election Day (and beyond). Ask God to put the right people in office at the local, state, and federal level. This will allow your heart to settle in His sovereignty and you will cast your ballot from a place of peace.
We invite you to gather your hearts with us to cover Election Day in prayer. Learn more here.
What issues do you care about the most?
Which issues have biblical roots?
Which issues are biblically neutral yet important to you?
Here are a few examples — feel free to add or delete topics to personalize the list:
Abortion, marriage, race, Israel, religious freedom, LGBTQ+ issues, ending human trafficking, the environment, safety in your area, the economy, military, taxation, criminal justice issues, education for our children…
This will differ on federal, state, and local levels, but we know that one person can’t do it all.
Who will they hire or appoint?
For example, in the highly discussed and debated presidential race:
Which candidate will appoint federal judges and Supreme Court Justices who best represent your faith? This will be influential for decades.
Who would fill cabinet positions with people who most likely align with your values?
Which Vice Presidential candidate is the best person to be “a heartbeat away” from the presidency?
What organizations are endorsing the candidate?
Do you respect and agree with the endorsing groups? Do they hold your values?
What is the party platform of the candidate?
This can be helpful in choosing the “down ballot” candidates. In my county, there are races for over 20 offices in this election. It is difficult to thoroughly know each candidate in detail, so their chosen political party platform could help you understand their views. Well-balanced Christian voter’s guides can help quickly compare issues. A comparison of six different party platforms can be found at Feel free to refer to other Christian voter’s guides, many of which can be found online.
What do you know about the candidates?
What are their strengths and weaknesses?
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. How have they influenced their life and policies?
What is their background, education, experiences, beliefs, previous vocations, etc.?
Actually vote, especially as a believer in Christ. We need people of faith to exercise their right to vote. In the last decades, theological issues have become politicized. For example, issues like ending human trafficking or abortion require both prayer from the church and laws from the government.
If you chose not to vote, you choose not to complain until the next election in which you vote.
In tight races, your non-vote or write-in vote can actually be a vote for one of the candidates. High voter turnout is a key element in the American election process.
You have a vote to steward which is envied by many and paid for by the sacrifice of others. So do not leave it on the shelf — steward it well.
When you turn to Christ in prayer, trusting in Him, asking for wisdom, and seeking His guidance in your decisions - including whom to vote for - you can find a deep and abiding peace that only He can provide.
Prayer invites Christ's wisdom: By consistently seeking His counsel, you gain clarity and confidence in your decisions.
Peace surpasses understanding: Christ's peace guards your heart and mind, even when the choices before you seem difficult.
Faithful guidance: Trusting in His direction helps you feel secure, knowing you are acting - and voting - according to His will.
A Letter from Pastor Gregg
"Through the years, I have been invited to attend numerous types of events and have met with leaders in various arenas. Those in political realms—local, state, or national—always seem to bring the most questions. I thought it would be helpful to share my heart and thoughts. " — Pastor Gregg Matte
Dr. Chris Hammons is an award-winning professor of Political Science and sought-after speaker on the American Founding.
Dr. John Tyler’s interests focus on the intersection of law and government with an emphasis on the United States Constitution.
While the polls are open on Tue, Nov 5 from 7a-7p, fast and pray where you are. Pray for the poll workers, the citizens exercising their right to vote, and for the elected officials, both in-coming and out-going.
Pastor Gregg and our campus ministers suggest reading the following books as you prepare to cast your important vote on Nov 5. Each of these are available at
CornerBooks Online.
Voting as a Christian: The Social Issues by Wayne Grudem
Voting as a Christian: The Economic and Foreign Policy Issues by Wayne Grudem
How Christianity Changed the World by Alvin J. Schmidt
100 Bible Verses That Made America: Defining Moments That Shaped Our Enduring Foundation of Faith by Robert J. Morgan
Kingdom Politics by Tony Evans
Finding Peace in the Political Storm by James Merritt
At all campuses of Houston’s First, first-time voters can register to vote before and after worship on Sundays, Sep 15, 22, & 29.
In Texas, you can register to vote or update your registration at any time. However, there is a deadline to do so in order to vote in an election, usually 30 days before Election Day.
Visit the Texas Secretary of State's for a variety of helpful tools, including:
Verifying your voter registration status Registering to vote Updating your voter registration Locating polling locations Requesting mail-in ballots And much more