Gather on Sundays at one of campuses or online at 9:30a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.


Service | 4pm

Welcome to The4 at The Loop!

The4 is more than just an evening worship service. The4 is a place of community and impact.

The moment you enter, there is opportunity to connect with like-minded hearts who are intent to impact the world for the Gospel.
So become part of The4 and engage in a powerful time of worship and teaching.
Discover your community in a Life Bible Study group.

Life Bible Studies

After The4, find community in a Life Bible Study at 5:30p each Sunday.

  • College — For college age adults 18–23
  • Revival — For single adults ages 23–29
  • Kaleo — For single adults ages 25–32
  • Forge — For single adults ages 28–30s
  • B.A.S.I.C.S. — For single adults ages late 30s–50s
  • Heartfire — For single and married women of all ages
  • 29:11 — For adults all ages
  • CoMission — For couples engaged / married 0–3 years
  • Crossroads — For couples married 2–10 years
  • High Altitude — For couples married average of 5–10+ years
  • Walking in His Light — For married couples navigating mid-life

Make It Your Church

Whether you've recently joined or have recently visited Houston's First, we invite you to attend an upcoming Make It Your Church at The4!

Offered over dinner, the gathering provides an opportunity to meet pastors and staff members as they share about the vision, mission, and strategy of the church.

While there, you can learn how you can find your place to gather, grow, and give at Houston's First — and meet other new folks, as well!

For more information on Make It Your Church, click here.

Want to get connected or interested in serving at The4?

Connect with us!

Connect with The4 on Instagram

Meet Our Staff

Brad Talbert

Brad Talbert

Minister to Married Young Adults and The4 Venue Pastor
Brad Talbert

Brad Talbert

Minister to Married Young Adults and The4 Venue Pastor

Upcoming Events
