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"Capture the Moment"

Nov 15, 2021

Capture the Moment is available at every Houston's First campus and online at

Our 2022 Churchwide Devotional

“Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.”

These words from Psalm 90, prayed by Moses, reflect an eternal truth: we need God’s help to number our days, and to capture every moment, so that we can live it with wisdom.

Capture the Moment is a 365-day devotional that will help you do just that.

For those who get bogged down in the mundane, distracted by the noise, and lost in the busyness, Pastor Gregg Matte has written these daily devotions to point us back to what matters most. Begin or end each day with a short snippet of Scripture and a helpful devotional thought so that you can capture each moment, rather than letting it slip away.

Churchwide Devotional

Capture the Moment will serve as our 2022 churchwide devotional at Houston's First. Copies can be purchased for $15 at each campus and online at

Partnership with Send Relief

Pastor Gregg is not receiving any royalties from the sale of Capture the Moment. Instead, for every devotional purchased, Send Relief will provide 3 meals for people in need.

Send Relief is a collaboration between the International Mission Board and North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Whether it’s responding to natural disasters, caring for refugees and displaced families, fighting human trafficking at home and abroad, supporting adoption and foster care efforts and strengthening communities facing economic and physical crises, Send Relief's goal is the same — to share the love of Jesus.

More about Capture the Moment

Visit the publisher's Capture the Moment page for more about the devotional, including a Q&A with Pastor Gregg.


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