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"My Life Verse"

May 27, 2023

Web My Life Verse Sabbatical23

What is a Life Verse?Submit Your Life VerseTools for Sharing Your Life Verse"My Life Verse" MessagesSeries SpeakersLife Verses of Houston's First Family Members

What is a Life Verse?

A life verse is a verse or short passage from the Bible that has a special meaning to you, or that speaks to you in a personal way. You may find yourself turning to it often in your thoughts, and you might view it as a "guiding principle" as you make decisions, discern which path to take, and live out your faith.
But, there are 31,102 verses in the Bible — 23,145 in the Old Testament and 7,957 in the New Testament! How can anybody decide that just one of them is their life verse when we know that "all of Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16-17)?

Pastor Gregg Matte offers these discovery questions to consider as you prayerfully consider which of those 31,102 verses may be your life verse.

  1. What verse of scripture is a deep encouragement to you?
  2. What verse of scripture encourages your passion for Christ?
  3. What verse of scripture do you want to see or have seen lived out in your life?
  4. What verse of scripture would you like quoted at your funeral or wear as a piece of jewelry?

Those questions are meant to get you thinking and to get the process started. Reflect on these questions, spend time reading God's Word, make notes as you go, and prayerfully ask God to point you to a verse or passage that will point you toward Him.

Submit Your Life Verse

What is your life verse? We want to hear it! Submit your own life verse here so we can share it with others.

Share Your Life Verse

Why not share your life verse with others? Download various blank digital images here and then add your own life verse to them for sharing on social media or as your wallpaper.

"My Life Verse" Messages

You'll find links to each week's message from The Loop Campus and online here once they are available online for on-demand viewing:

  • Sun, June 4 — My Life Verse (John 3:30) — Pastor Gregg Matte
  • Sun, June 11 — My (Ministry) Life Verse (1 Thessalonians 2:6-12) — Pastor Gregg Matte
  • Sun, June 18 — My Life Verse (John 15:13) — Brian McCormack – Executive Director, Breakaway Ministries
  • Sun, June 25 — My Life Verse (Romans 12:1–2) — Grant Partrick – Cumberland Location Pastor, Passion City Church
  • Sun, July 2 — My Life Verse (Colossians 1:9–12) — Garry Blackmon – Senior Pastor, Crossway Christian Fellowship
  • Sun, July 9 — My Life Verse (John 6:35) — David Nasser – Founder, David Nasser Outreach
  • Sun, July 16 — My Life Verse (Luke 15:20) — Noe Garcia – Senior Pastor, North Phoenix Baptist Church

For the line-up of speakers at our other campuses, click a tab below.

Series Speakers

Discover service times and who is speaking at each campus during the "My Life Verse" series

The Loop

You can gather at The Loop Campus for the "My Life Verse" series each Sunday at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p, or join in online at the same times via our livestream. Visit our Sunday Toolkit for more about how to connect with Houston's First on Sundays!

Here's who is speaking at The Loop each Sunday during the series:

  • Sun, June 4 — Pastor Gregg Matte
  • Sun, June 11 — Pastor Gregg Matte
  • Sun, June 18 — Brian McCormack – Executive Director, Breakaway Ministries
  • Sun, June 25 — Grant Partrick – Cumberland Location Pastor, Passion City Church
  • Sun, July 2 — Garry Blackmon – Senior Pastor, Crossway Christian Fellowship
  • Sun, July 9 — David Nasser – Founder, David Nasser Outreach
  • Sun, July 16 — Noe Garcia – Senior Pastor, North Phoenix Baptist Church


You can gather at our Cypress Campus for the "My Life Verse" series each Sunday at 9:30a or 11a, or join in online live from The Loop Campus at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p via our livestream. Visit our Sunday Toolkit for more about how to connect with Houston's First on Sundays!

Here's who is speaking at Cypress each Sunday during series:

  • Sun, June 4 — Pastor Gregg Matte
  • Sun, June 11 — Pastor Gregg Matte
  • Sun, June 18 — Jason Swiggart – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Cypress
  • Sun, June 25 — Grant Partrick – Cumberland Location Pastor, Passion City Church
  • Sun, July 2 — Tommy Kersten – Director of Student Ministries, Houston's First – Cypress
  • Sun, July 9 — Jason Swiggart – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Cypress
  • Sun, July 16 — Jason Swiggart – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Cypress


You can gather at our Downtown Campus for the "My Life Verse" series each Sunday at 9:30a or 11a, or join in online live from The Loop Campus at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p via our livestream. Visit our Sunday Toolkit for more about how to connect with Houston's First on Sundays!

Here's who is speaking at Downtown each Sunday during the series:

  • Sun, June 4 — Pastor Gregg Matte
  • Sun, June 11 — Pastor Gregg Matte
  • Sun, June 25 — Leon Brooks III – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Downtown
  • Sun, July 2 — Leon Brooks III – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Downtown
  • Sun, July 9 — Peter Lee – Minister of Campus Development, Houston's First – Downtown
  • Sun, July 16 — Leon Brooks III – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Downtown


You can gather at our Sienna Campus for the "My Life Verse" series each Sunday at 8:30a, 9:45a, or 11:15a, or join in online live from The Loop Campus at 9:15a, 11a, or 5p via our livestream. Visit our Sunday Toolkit for more about how to connect with Houston's First on Sundays!

Here's who is speaking at Sienna each Sunday during the series:

  • Sun, June 4 — Malcolm Marshall – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Sienna
  • Sun, June 11 — Malcolm Marshall – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Sienna
  • Sun, June 18 — Malcolm Marshall – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Sienna
  • Sun, June 25 — Malcolm Marshall – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Sienna
  • Sun, July 2 — Matthew Savage – Minister of Campus Development, Houston's First – Sienna
  • Sun, July 9 — Malcolm Marshall – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Sienna
  • Sun, July 16 — Malcolm Marshall – Campus Pastor, Houston's First – Sienna

"My Life Verse is ..."

Here are some verses shared by members of the Houston's First family:

10 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Aimee Gomez 1
9 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Cason White 1
8 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Debbie Spence 1
5 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Tom Sims 1
6 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Doug Bischoff 1
4 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Brooke Ferrell 1
7 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Roger Cullins 1
3 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Binu Thomas 1
2 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Jenn Hamm 1
1 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Melody Newman 1
10 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Jill Reed
9 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Marlyn Chen
8 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Mark Roach
6 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Daniel Champagne
7 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Sarah Duncan
5 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Peter Lee
2 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Caitlin Martin
4 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Leon Brooks Iii
3 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Martin Dixon
1 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Amy Bettis
10 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Gracie T
9 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Deborah W
8 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Daniel W
7 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Troy H
6 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Mark C
5 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Michael M
4 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Jackie C
3 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Sarah C
2 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Isabelle N
1 Im Mlv23 1920X1080 Teresa T
8 Im My Life Verse Wc Jakora Snow
2 Im My Life Verse Wc Brandon Ayers
5 Im My Life Verse Wc Haley Henry
6 Im My Life Verse Wc Jason Swiggart
9 Im My Life Verse Wc Fraisy George
4 Im My Life Verse Wc Demetri Stafford
7 Im My Life Verse Wc Kerrie Snow
3 Im My Life Verse Wc Kevin Spivey
10 Im My Life Verse Wc Sophia Garza


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