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Going To The Chapel

Sep 29, 2015

Thanks to the generosity of the Houston's First family, the Chapel at The Loop Campus is undergoing extensive renovations this fall. When completed, the Chapel will have several new features that will make the space an even more vital gathering space for our church:

  • Increased functionality — moveable chairs enable multiple set-up options (worship, banquet, conference, etc.)
  • Increased capacity — growing from around 260-280 to nearly 400 in some set-up options
  • Increased lighting — improved fixtures plus natural light allowed by new windows facing the water wall and cross tower
  • Cross sculpture as a focal point behind the platform
  • Expanded foyer area with historic stained glass window as a focal point

The Chapel is used extensively by the Houston's First family for Life Bible Studies and special events such as weddings, Parent Commitments, and memorial services. First Baptist Academy uses the space for their weekly chapel services for Lower School and Middle School students.

One of the unique features of the Chapel is the stained glass window built in to the wall high above the seats below. The window was removed from our church building in Downtown Houston when we relocated to the Katy Freeway. Now, the window depicting Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane will greet people as they enter the Chapel. The multiple stained glass windows built into the walls along the back of the Chapel will remain where they are.

Pray for the Chapel renovation process and the construction team as they create what is sure to be a beautiful and cherished space at Houston's First.


On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!

"My Life Verse"

What to Expect When You're an Expectant Parent

Moved by Faith

Overcoming Obstacles

World Mission Offering Results

Day of Pentecost

On Mission

Shaping the Next Generation

Our Love Has No Limits!
