Gather at The Loop Campus or online on Sundays at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.

HUB International: Oakham, UK

11th–12th grade students

Begins in 04 mo 26 days 01 hrs 22 min

God is working all around the world! Take ownership of your missional discipleship and experience HUB International in England! 11th-12th grade students who want to plan and lead out on mission will get to experience the global church in a post-Christian culture.

Join us in Oakham, Rutland UK a market town 2 hours north of London. Here students will get to engage and share the Gospel in a culture that is surrounded by historic church buildings but lacks faith and a relationship with Jesus. Students will plan ways to share the Gospel with kids, the homeless, and a community far from Jesus.

This truly unique trip will give students a full picture of what life on mission truly looks like as we share the Gospel and see what discipleship requires in a post-Christian culture.

Interest forms are open below.


HUB International is $2,800 per person. This cost covers all travel, lodging, meals, missions, and fun experiences for HUB International.

We encourage students to fundraise 100% of their HUB Mission Trips. One way is to send “Support Request Letters” to family and friends. This is a great way to invite others around you to join you on your trip via prayer and funding. (See a sample letter here)

Another way to fundraise for HUB International is to send a “Support Me” link from your Go Method account once you’re added to the trip. Share this link on Instagram, Facebook, and more to connect with family & friends to join you through support on this trip!

Students and leaders will fly from Houston to London. Once they have arrived they will use local transportation to navigate the city.

Yes. All students will need a valid passport (one that isn’t expiring within 6 months of the trip) to attend.

HUB International students will stay in host-homes in Oakham. All students will have their own bed and all local host-homes have been background checked and certified through the UK government.

Majority of our meals are catered or students are able to order for themselves. Host-home meals can also be accommodated if we know if advance. (Please contact your Student Minister for details)

Yes. All HUB Students attending HUB International will be screened through our HUB Staff and/or Safeguarding Team.

Event Details

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