Gather at our Sienna Campus on Sundays at 9a and 10:45a or online at 9:15a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.

Easter At Houston's First

Easter Weekend

Apr 19 & 20

Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ along with friends and family. It's also a time for people to discover what this miraculous moment means for them today.

This year, we invite you to celebrate along with the Houston's First family at one of our four campuses or online. Click any of the following for details:

Broken For You

Thu, Apr 17

On the Thursday before Easter, the Houston's First family will gather to remember Jesus' sacrifice and observe the Lord's Supper. Known as "Maundy Thursday," this worship service takes place on the night when Jesus had His last supper with His disciples before being crucified on Good Friday.

This year, we invite you to remember Christ’s sacrifice along with the Houston's First family at one of our four campuses or online. Click any of the following for details:
