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Be Generous

Be Generous.

The dictionary defines generous as “showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.” But, the original meaning implied that being generous was to be “of noble birth.” From a Christian point of view, those distinct definitions actually have a clear connection to one another.

Followers of Jesus who have been born again into a new life with Him — the King of kings and Lord of lords — are now of noble birth despite their earthly heritage. With this new identify comes “an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading” (1 Peter 1:4). God provides for our every need as His beloved children, leaving us with an abundance to share with others — more than is “strictly necessary or expected.”

This month, be intentional about seeking ways that you can develop the discipline of being generous. Whether it’s your finances, time and attention, encouraging words, or talents and skills, how can you give more of something in His name and to bring Him glory?

Suggested Actions

Here are a few specific things you can do that are designed to develop the discipline of being generous.

Become a first-time giver

If you have never given financially to Houston’s First, consider doing so and partnering with thousands of others who support the ministry of the church. Visit our Giving page to learn more.

Make yourself available

Somebody in your life could benefit from one-on-one time with you to receive your encouragement, wisdom, or simply your undivided attention. Ask God to open your eyes to opportunities.

Volunteer on a Ministry Team

Step up to serve and fill one of the many opportunities available right now at every campus for you to give of your time and talents.

Memorize related Bible verses

As you can imagine, there are many verses that talk about prayer! Here are a few to memorize. What other ones can you find?

    • "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." — Matthew 6:21
    • "The point is this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously." — 2 Corinthians 9:6
    • "Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over—will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." — Luke 6:38
    • "One person gives freely, yet gains more;
      another withholds what is right, only to become poor.
      A generous person will be enriched, and the one who gives a drink of water will receive water.
      " Proverbs 11:24-25

What ideas do YOU have?

We want to hear your suggestions for how to develop the discipline of generosity. Share your ideas with us using the short form below.


Children & Students

Use the suggestions for preschoolers, children, and students as you guide them in the discipline of generosity.


  • Take your young children to the store — even a "dollar store" — and let them pick out items with your guidance to place in bags to then give away to homeless people or to donate to the church's Food Pantry & Clothes Closet or another local charity. Ideal items include socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and other personal hygiene products.
  • Gather toy money — or even your own spare change — and place in a shoebox, an empty tissue box, or a piggy bank. Tell your child that we can collect money to help others. (If using spare change, gather the coins and bring them to church and have your child place them in an offering plate or collection box.)


  • Read Luke 12:13-22 in the Bible and ask your kids what the rich man could have done with his extra crops and possessions. Remind them that 2 Corinthians 9 says that God loves a cheerful, generous giver. Spend some time as a family thanking God for how He has blessed your family. Finish by asking “What can we share with others?” Pack up extra food, clothing, and toys and generously donate to our Food Pantry & Clothes Closet or to a charity near you.
  • Resources:
    • Kids of Integrity - look under Lesson Contents for a parents' prayer, memory verses, crafts, Bible stories, creative discipline, and more related to generosity


  • Volunteer your time and attention on Sundays with the Preschool or Children’s ministries at your campus! These ministries always have room for more people to serve, and they welcome our Students!
  • Begin tithing, focusing on the discipline rather than the amount. Even though you do not have as much income as your parents, you can still develop the habit of giving a portion of what you receive to the Lord. Whether it's from allowance, a part-time job, birthday money from relatives — be intentional about giving out of that to support His kingdom.

Music Video

"Do Something" by Matthew West reminds us that God has already provided a way for the needs and problems we see around us to be addressed — us. By giving of our resources, time, attention, and more, we can do something.
