Gather at The Loop on Sundays on campus or online at 9:30a, 11a, or 4p.
Find streaming links and other resources when you PLAN YOUR VISIT.


Lp Courage Womens Group 2024 Hd

Many women struggle with unhealthy relationships, sex, pornography, and more. This interferes with the ability to live their lives to the fullest. Being loved, chosen, and accepted is desperately sought, but disappointment is met at every turn. The pain and shame of unwanted sexual behaviors leads us to places we never intended to go. Whether single, dating, or married, the overarching purpose of this group is walking in healthy relationship with yourself, others, and God.

Hope is here! Through strategic, weekly use of tools and exercises, unraveling the messiness of relationships and learning how to live in health and wholeness is possible – even attainable. Within this honest and judgment-free community, you will begin to learn the depths of God’s love and acceptance of you that will provide healing beyond what mainstream self-help can offer. Come and be reminded of who God says you are. Allow yourself to breathe, find courage, and take the next step!

Courage is arranged in three groups, one intake group and a therapy group of two levels. The intake group is designed to be accessible to all, with no cost or commitment required. The two therapy group levels have a cost of $25 per session, with a cost of $20 available to members who pay monthly in advance.

Courage meets year-round on Mondays from 6:30-8p at The Loop Campus. If you would like to be contacted by one of our leaders to learn more about Courage and/or join the weekly meetings, please fill out the form below:

Contact Form
